Chapter 15

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(Your Love By The Outfield)

Wilbur's Pov

"I have a race on Wednesday." Daytona said, sitting next to me in the library.

"I'll have to talk to my parents about it, but I can assure you I will try to make it, my love."

She ran her fingers through my hair and I smiled at her. I had work tonight, tomorrow, but now Wednesday, so my parents should let me go. I'll probably end up asking them if they want to come as well.

I want Daytona to meet my parents, I'm actually telling my dad about her tonight. I'm really bloody nervous. I have no idea why I'm nervous. My mother loves her, she keeps asking to meet her, but i've had to put it off because i haven't told my dad.

"If you can't it's okay, you do know that right?" She mumbled, hands running through my hair.

I genuinely felt like I was going to fall asleep.

"I know it, but I'm not going to follow that rule because I want to be there for you."


"No Daytona."

She let out a huff before pulling my hair softly which caused me to laugh.

"She was extremely stubborn if you couldn't tell, but it kept me on my toes."

After school I started to walk home. Daytona was getting a ride with Ember because they were going to go shopping after they got changed.

They invited Ryder and I, but we decided that they could have a girls day. Ryder had to work anyway, and I needed to talk to my father.

I walked quickly home, though I have no idea why because my dad wouldn't get home for another hour. But if my calculations are correct, my mother should be home.

She got a new schedule and opted for less hours a day, so she would be home when I got home from school now. I was happy about that, ever since Daytona came into my life, i've been interacting with my parents more.

It feels great, I feel like a kid again.

"I'm home!" I called out before I took off my coat and beanie.

My shoes then came off and I kicked them to the side so that they were out of the way. I walked into the kitchen and there she was, cooking again. I swear, all she does is cook.

Max would like her. Max has told me about how he wants to be a chef which I think fits him perfectly. Even though he's very chaotic, it was good for him.

Maybe I could have a day where our families have dinner together. My father and Daytona's dad can talk about sports, Max could help my mother with the cooking, and we could sit there watching our families interact.

I haven't asked Daytona about her mother yet, I've been meaning to do that. I don't want to make her uncomfortable with the question though, I should just forget about it...

"How was school darling?" She said, not turning around from what she was doing but I could sense the smile on her face.

"It was good. Daytona invited me to her race on Wednesday. All of us actually. I'm gonna tell dad about-"

"You're going to tell dad about what?" My father said walking into the room.

"Your home early." My mother spoke with the smile still evident in her voice.

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