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"Let me tell you, we have all the cctv's of 2nd floor under our control. So if we see you around here, or John tells me that you both scumbags are anywhere near him. Dan will be compromised" Jake spoke on the Walkie Talkie.

Alex sat down on the broken alcohol bottles as Hudson reached to him.
"Thomas is ready, let's move" Hudson was ready to run.

"We can't" Alex said in a deep and disturbed voice and then he went quiet.

Hudson saw the look at Alex's face and knew that something bad had happened, he got down on his knees and looked towards Alex, who was looking towards the broken bar window.
"What happened" he asked

Alex informed him about his recent conversation with Jake.

Hudson got disappointed "How the hell thus Dan put himself in such a mess"

"We can't do anything now" Alex calmly said as he kept sitting at his place.

Hudson was frustrated by this news, he banged the bar near him and threw glasses around "They got us at the right time and at the right place. How can we fail everytime" He screamed.

Alex picked up a broken bottle near him and tried to drink from it. "There's no point of doing it now, they are far better than us" he said.

Hudson came near him and threw away the bottle.
"Look at me" he screamed as he sat near Alex "When I first came here, I had no idea what was about to happen, then I had no idea what to do, until i met you that night. From that point, I had a goal in my life. I liked what i did. I worked so hard for all of this while my other colleagues just rested in their rooms"

Hudson took a break as he holded Alex's shoulder. "You know why?, cause I believed in you and the work you were doing. It was the first time in my life, that I felt like I really lived, instead of running in the corporate race.
All because of you. You are Alex the detective, you can't just give up now"

"All this motivational talks isn't going to change the fact, that Grace was shot, Dan is Captured and I couldn't even find the culprit in 3 days, when he was always with me" Alex stood up and walked away.

"You are right, You weren't able to do this. But if today Thomas and Leonard are Alive and have a hope that they can go back home, is just because of you.
Actually, you made me realize what I want to do in my life, I didn't knew why I had this peace of mind when I worked with you.
But now I know, I don't want a peaceful corporate life, I want this."  Hudson took a break and searched around for his Gun.

"Well" Hudson picked his gun and tried to reload it "I will go and save Dan if you are too afraid of an old man threatening you" Hudson was not able to reload the gun "Damn it" he shouted as he threw the gun on the broken bottles near Alex.

The Gun broke another bottle near Alex.

Dan turned towards the door as if he was ready to move "You hear me, I am going without a gun" he looked back towards Alex.

Alex was taking deep breath.
"Ok wait, enough of this drama. I am coming with you."

Hudson hurried back towards Alex "Yes, what's the plan. I just have a lot of fun lately, listening to your plans. So once again Mr. Alex."

Alex picked up both the guns and reloaded them. "I do not have a plan this time, but an idea" he handed over 1 gun to Hudson.

"We will secretly move to the 7th floor and wait until John is in middle of combat, then we surprisingly attack him. I am sure he will be relaxed right now by the news of Dan getting captured. So its a clear way for us" Alex said as he started moving.

Hudson started behind him "We just have to be extremely careful that Jake does not notice us" he said.

"Yeah" Alex answered as both of them moved towards the lift.

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