Creed headquarters

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( I DREW RAINY AND SHADOW!!! (It's just Shadow's eyes) )

Brandon stopped the car in front of a huge building. It was on the edge of a woods. Brandon led us inside. In side was a hallway. Brandon walked to a wall though. We all looked at him like he was crazy. He pushed in a brick and a stair case was revealed. Whoa... I said. The original headquarters. Said Brandon as he led us down the stairs. This place was used by the original assassins. Of coarse, your ancestors didn't use it, because they lived in the original colonies. Aww. Kyle said. Brandon chuckled. At the bottom of the stairs, there was a long stone hallway. Pillars were on the sides. Brandon didn't lead us to the end of the hall way though he turned into a hallway. We have a schedule around here, and I will probably be the only one who's nice to you. WE'RE GONNA BE ABUSED!? Chance asked, his voice high pitched. ( remember that day, Chance!? ) No no no. Brandon assured us. We just have a tight schedule for training, play, sleep, and eating. So everything? I asked. Yep, pretty much. Awwww. We all complained. You will be assigned a room to stay. Your not the only descendants staying with us so try to get along. My room was small. The bed was made up and the floor was cleaned. There was a chest of drawers and a nightstand. There was also a desk with a lamp, paper and a cup with pencils. I put my things down and started putting my clothes in the drawers. When I was finished with that, a man who was not Brandon walked through the door. Rainy, come with me, it's lunch time. I like food! I yelled. I thought I saw a smile on the man's serious face but I wasn't sure. At lunch, there was apples and chicken. Not the things I would have chosen but I wasn't whining. The man who brought me here said that training was immediately after. I sat down with my friends. They were talking about groups. What? I asked as I sat. They divide us into groups of five. Lilith said. Oh... I hope we get grouped together... Chance said taking a bite of his apple. You are. Brandon said sitting down. Your allowed to sit with us? Yeah... I rolled my eyes. I noticed a few other people, very few people our age, walk into the room. A group of teenagers joked and laughed, and adult about Brandon's age walked in silently, and a little girl, no older than five. There's more, but you don't all have the same eating time. I nodded. Your grouped together. If your ancestors worked together, the descendents have to stay together. What about me? Asked Casey. Your in the group too. No, who was my most important ancestor at that time? We can find out. Brandon said. Casey nodded. Later though. Casey looked down slowly. I laughed and patted him on the back. Brandon checked his watch. OH! Your late! We just got here! I whined. I know, you'll have much more time at dinner. I got up and ran after Brandon. Chance took one last bite and dragged Lilith away from the table. Kyle tripped over his own foot and fell. He scrambled up and ran. We past my room, so I ran in and grabbed Shadow's hidden blade, just in case. It was big on m but I tightened it and hid it with my sleeve. I ran after the group after that. I followed them to an underground courtyard. Everything but the play area was underground here.I guess it was just to keep the precious descendents safe. In the courtyard were a few other kids. This time they were our age if not older or younger. They were sparring with wooden swords. They looked at us as we entered. Ooooo, your gonna be in trouble. They teased with smirks. One was a boy with blond hair and brown eyes. He wore a faded red shirt and shorts. The other was a girl with ginger hair ( like Brandon's ) and blue eyes. Your late, Brandon. The guy who picked me up from my room to go to lunch said. ( Wow, that's a long title! ) Sorry, sir. DON'T let it happen again! The man said. Brandon nodded. You will practice simple defence today. Shadow tapped me on the shoulder. I looked at her. What are you looking at? The man asked. Oh, uhhh. I stuttered thinking. You can tell me. The man said leaning close. Shadow nodded. My ancestor, Shadow appears to me sometimes and she just LOVES to make me look insane.... I said studying the ground. That's normal. Said the man to my surprise. Some ancestors like to help out their descendents more than others. I nodded. Ok! The man said with a clap. Grab a sword and choose a sparing partner.Lilith chose Casey and Chance chose Kyle, leaving me with The blond boy. He glared menacingly. Time to teach you who's boss. I swallowed hard. Shadow tapped me. Show no fear, except his chalenge... Her ghostly voice reached only my ears. I nooded. I stood straiter. Try to disarm and knock down your opponet. GO! Shouted the man. The blond haired boy came at me. I raised my sword. His strenght was impressive. He almost over powered me. I stepped back and he tumbled forward. he saved himself with a roll. I went at him this time. The boy deflected y attacks like it was nothing. I glimpsed at Lilith to see her punch Casey and he fell over. Lilith apoligized and helped him up. This second was all the boy needed to hit my fingers, making me drop the sword. He raised the sword. This was going to hurt. I remembered the hidden blade. I defected the blow with it, and punched the boy. he stumbbled backward and I kicked him. I..... win.... I said out of breath. I sheathed the hidden blade. Good. I heard Shadow say. I looked around for her but saw no one.

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