Thanks, Explanations, and Release Dates

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Special Thanks and Explanations:

Thank you all, for reading this book, and please in the comments, let me know if you enjoyed the book, or you feel that it was boring, and please explain why. Let us first, please give special thanks to:

Aria Snow, for the idea of the Courtship Rite. She is the Author of Dark On Me, War of Change, Everything to me, and also many more other shipping fanfic from Genshin Impact and other games and books such as Warriors the cat series!

Simpingfordrugs, for getting me started my shipping of xiaolumi in the first place!

My friends at school, for supporting me in this writing and helping me edit it.

Last of all, YOU!

If you want full explanations of how Courtship Rite works, in case you ever want to get started on your own writing, please go to Aria-sama's War of Change! The book is on my reading list if you ever want to read it or more lengthy explanations. <O3O>

Stage 1:

The Courtship Rite is triggered by a swift, private ceremonial ritual under a new moon, when the adeptis is alone. But will not trigger if not 100% convinced and committed to the person of their affections. As soon as it starts, their personality and appearance may change in minor or more noticeable ways within 48 hours. They will purposely start looking for the one they're courting and will grow rather protective, if not, possessive. If they can't find them, they grow cranky, or even upset and depressed. They do not take kindly to those who deem a threat being around the one they are courting. However if the one doing the courting is a yaksha, like in this case, their eyes will change color, and the glow from their tattoo will change as well.

Stage 2:

They start getting rather clingy and are always looking for their intended mate. Grabbing anything they think the one they are courting will like. Going out of their way to give grand gifts, (Lumine's hairpin) and grow more flirtatious and affectionate. At this stage, the personality changes and appearance takes a complete change in the eyes and hair. The adeptis sweeps the one their courting away from prying eyes. The Claiming begins and at this point there is no stopping the rite, at least not easily. The adeptis then ends up marking them by biting the intimacy allowing both to sense a bit of each other's emotions. The mark usually reflects what kind of adeptis they are, like Xiao's feather mark, due to the tattoo design, which looks like a bird. This stage will usually last from 1-3 days and will always happen in autumn. (This stage happened on Lumine's birthday)

Stage 3:

The need to stay beside the new intended marked mate increases. At this stage, don't approach recklessly or even approach with bad intent. Their personality will shift if their mate has been threatened or hurt, making them extremely deadly and violent. The only way to stop this process is the sight that their mate is safe or the culprit is destroyed. If the adeptis is a yaksha, this aggression will intensify by tenfold, and they may even shift to their true form more willingly. Both the intended and the adeptis become very sensitive to others' emotions, becoming empathetic for each other (Chapter 19 to end). At this point, if the intended person is human, they will attempt to finish the rite in a human manner, and it will end the rite. But if the intended isn't human, this is not the case. Instead, this will lead into another Claiming before concluding.

Without a further adieu, here are the upcoming ships and series that may be released in February to March 2022! There is no particular order of release. The next season following this is underlined.

Xiaolumi: A Renewed Hope By You; Season 1, new series

Xiaolumi: The Forgotten Adeptis; Season 1, new series

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