Chapter 6: One Archon-ik Surprise

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Lumine Point of View

Last thing I needed was a bunch of bickering Archons. The entire time I was talking about how my brother was going to try to start the next archon war, the Pyro and Cryo Archons where staring angrily at each other, Zhongli was grumbling how someone should help crack the Baal's head open for "killing" me, and the Dendro couldn't help but fidget with her vines, Venti couldn't help but stop playing the lyre. I could tell that he was seriously missing the feeling of his amazing, calming, anemo energy flow through him. That's when I decided to give them all back their nosis that I had tracked down and got back, and break it to them.

"So, Archon friends, I have a little present for you." I said.

"What present, exactly?" grumbled Zhongli.

"This." I showed the 7 nosis I had got back. "The one thing that makes you non-archonic.".

"WHAT!" Zhongli jumped up from his chair. "That is impossible! I gave that to La Signora! I didn't think anyone would get my nonis back! Not even the traveler!" He shouted.

"But the thing is Zhongli, I defeated her. Baal did all the slicing and dicing. Dead, that La Signora lady. Also, don't think I forgave you for giving away your nonis."

"THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE!" Baal stood. "No one knows of that but the traveler!"

"And no one knows that I gave away the nonis except the Traveler!"

"Not even bothering to speak my name. Rude. How about this as a surprise? What if... I told you I am the Traveler?".

"That's impossible! The Traveler is dead! Everyone knows that!"

"Are you sure about that?" I ask as I slowly take down my mask.

"Lumine, soften the eyes, I can see the gold from the back of the room." I heard Xiao call.

I soften the tension in my eyes and let it set to a gold amber color. I was back. In the flesh.

"THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE! THIS IS A TRAP!" I heard the Venti shout.

"Is it? Haven't you heard that the princess of world power has been reborn?"

"We have... but..."

"I am the princess. Or I was. When that stupid unknown god took me down that day, she took my power as well. My sword. My wings of power. Everything. She even took away my brother, the only person who I actually knew fully. My mother left me and Aether at 1. I fell upon this world 500 years ago, during the war of Khaenri'ah. I was in a deep slumber. Ever since I awoke, Paimon accompanied me from there onward. I sent her away, right before my 'death'. I told her to get the sunsettia. My mother gave back my powers and told the winds to spread the word that I was dead. Ever since then, I've been training, connecting with the beasts of Teyvat, and regaining the nonis. The nonis that I now hold, have been all tracked down, one by one, within the 5 month span from the day of my fake death."

"Lumine... why didn't you ever say anything?"

"I have to do it myself. It's my fault that I lost him to the Abyss then." I replied. I knew better than to depend on immortals. Not insulting myself or the other Archons.

"But still, you could have told us the entire truth, and that would have gave you full permission to ask for help."

"Ah, but you see Venti, asking for help is different from needing help."

"... I suppose so, but why didn't you ever say anything?"

"It's personal Venti, so stop being nosy."

"That's a good idea."

I laughed at the idea of that.

"Good idea because I'd be tempted to strangle you with vines if you didn't shut up."

"Well, the nonis?"

The nonis in my hand floated upward and started spinning in a circle. As they spun, they gave off a colorful glow and then jumped back to their rightful owners.

"I don't know how else to thank you, Lumine." the Dendro Archon said. I just nodded, and lurched over as I panted for breath. This tingling...


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