Chapter 2: Plans

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First thing all for all of you female siblings: if you ever walk into your brother's basecamp and find it a mess, it's because he's a guy. As soon as I was teleported into the basecamp, and looked around, it was a mess. There was a bent, silver, sword on the ground; a pile of monster dust on the floor which I knew was my brother who had got angry at the hilichurl and had stabbed it, and so much other junk. Then I realized that Xiao was on the ground, crumpled and crying.

"Xiao, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I asked

"Lumine, this isn't any place. Your brother's base is the lost land also known as Khaenri'ah. I'm guessing your brother found this place before you and turned it into his base."

"I already know this but why are you so upset about this land?"

"I-I lost my siblings here..."

So that's why he was here, so vulnerable and crying.

"Xiao, I'm sure that he's happy you're here and with me today. That you're still alive. Come on, I'm sure he wouldn't want you crying in the land he died in."

He looked at me for 5 seconds and then got up.

"You're right, let's get moving Lumine."

Then that's when I heard voices approaching.

"When is the Lantern Rite? We need to plan the attack right at dusk."

"Prince, we have lots of time to prepare, the Lantern Rite is in 10 months."

I know those voices. It was Aether and the Abyss Herald. Xiao pulled out his Primordial Jade Cutter and was about to attack and I whispered,

"Xiao, we're here to spy, not fight. I could take down the Abyss Herald easily with some elemental reactions of Electro and Pyro, but I need information that I know Aether wouldn't say in front of me. Please, for the Lantern festival's sake. For the citizens of Liyue."

"...Alright, for the Lantern festival's sake and yours, Lumine." He mumbled back.

"-is the specific date?" My brother continued to the Abyss Herald.

"February 10th, my prince."

"Perfect, the hilichurls will be strongest then."

Then the voices faded away as my brother chatted along about their next plans, with the Abyss Herald. I knew that our time was up, and as I prepared to leave, I focused on the two main spots on my backbone and a blur of white washed over me and Xiao, and then I thought, Wangshu Inn, that's where we need to go.

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