Chapter 17: Moonchase Festival

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"Lumine!!! Come on, let's go try to find someone with somewhat of a mild taste! Otherwise, Xiangling is in big trouble!" Paimon called out.

Moonchase Festival. We needed to at least try to find someone with a mild taste... but who? Oh. Wait. Nevermind. I know who! I hope this works...

"I think... I have someone in mind."

At my words Xiangling bright red eyes widened. "Oh, Traveler! Please!"

Paimon's eyes turned curious and tired. "Back to Wangshu Inn?"

"Not needed. We can just call him. Let's go to the docks though, just in case. You know he doesn't like the crowds."

Paimon nodded her head. "Makes sense to Paimon."

We went to the docks and Paimon started calling his name.

"Where is he?!" Paimon said, frustrated.

"Whoa. Stop right there. So some magical dude with powers said all you have to do is call his name and he would show up?!" Xiangling said surprised.

"Well... one of us... really..." Paimon said sadly, looking at me.

"He promised me."

Xiangling turned. "Then you should call for him."

My heart skipped a beat. I was finally going to get to meet up outside of the teapot for once! It felt like a century ever since the last time we saw each other outside of the teapot.

"Here it goes. Xiao, are you there?"

"You called?" Everyone jumped except for me. Can't really blame them. Xiao stood about 6 feet away from me.

"Xiao~!" I jumped into his arms and hugged him. He gave a slight smile, as his hair, eye color, and tattoo changed color once more.

"Lumine. Did you need something?"

"Yes... could you just help Xiangling here? Please~?"

"..." He sighed. "Alright. Since it is you..."

Xiao tasted the dish and decided that he liked it and gave Xiangling his opinion.

"You know... you remind me of another chief that I know. He cooks with his heart... and so do you."

"Thank you." Xiangling was still brimming with joy over the fact that Xiao had decided that he, in fact, enjoyed the dish, very much.

"So... see you tonight in the teapot?" I asked him.

Xiao smiled slightly. "Yes. I'll see you then."

"See you!" And with that, Xiao vanished into a cloud of dark mist. I smiled with delight.

"Well, that's an adeptis for you! He comes, then goes with a poof!" Paimon sighed. "Let's go, shall we Lumine?"


We finished our commissions just in time to go to the cooking competition and jumped with delight that Xiangling won!

"Pooy! Why didn't we get to try out their dishes?" Paimon stated angrily.

"Paimon, they have their reason." I chuckled slightly. We then headed over to congratulate Xiangling and Xiangling offord to make some for us.

"Yes, please! Paimon's angry enough that we weren't chosen to try the dishes!" Paimon angrily said.

"Paimon, calm down! Xiangling is making some for us right now!" I laughed.

Xiangling laughed as well. "In fact, Keqing asked me to make a recipe as well, so I better find a stove and make some food right now!" and with that, the young chief headed off to find a stove. Soon enough, we ran into Keqing and then later on, Xiangling and Madam Ping joined us in our conversation about the stove god. Surprisingly, Gouba, Xiangling's little helper turned out to be the stove god himself.

"This is so sudden... well then... welcome back to immortality I guess." I tilted my head to look at the god who had given himself up to the soil itself. Gouba didn't reply, but instead continued to jump up and down in front of his statue. Seems like he really liked that self-portrait of himself.


Later that night


"I'm back! I called exhaustedly, as me and Aether entered the teapot. Paimon had become too tired, and decided to go to the teapot, leaving Lumine to scout from any danger with her brother. Aether seemed to also be extremely tired as well.

Xiao's head popped out the living room entrance. "Oh. Your back. How was it? Everything good?"

"Yeah. Not me and Aether though. Where is that stupid piece of Emergency Food?" I grumbled.

My brother's eyes widened. "L-lumine, n-no need to go killing Paimon... even though she did leave us behind..."

"No, no. It's necessary. Very in fact. PAIMON? WHERE ARE YOU, YOU STUPID PIECE OF EMERGENCY FOOD? I BROUGHT FOOD!" I called out, lying.

Paimon popped out of nowhere. "WHERE?!"

I summoned my sword. "Nowhere. Time for your punishment, you stupid piece of emergency food."

I was about to cut downward, but Xiao held me back and hugged me. "Shhhh. Relaxe. You're tired." I realized how long it had been since I last slept. My eyes drooped, with exhaustion.

"Yeah... haven't slept for a long time."

Xiao's eyes turned into pity. "Come on. Let's go to bed, you." He picked me up, bridal style, and my eyes snapped back open.

My face turned into five different shades of red, as I realized that Aether and Paimon were watching. "X-Xiao!" I shouted, as he carried me away, and walked into my room tucked me in.

He chuckled. "Lumine. Calm down."

I blushed even more heavily. "Xiao. That is not how friends are supposed to act!"

"Its fine. Come on now. Go to sleep."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, whatever. See you tomorrow."


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