Chapter 14: The War and A Sacrifice

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"Dvalin! I need you to hide at the Dunyu Ruins and only come to our aid when you hear Barbatoes his lyre. Understood?"

"Understood, Your Majesty. I will be going now."

"Oh! Dvalin, go around Mt. Tianheng. If the enemy is to see you, they will hold off the attack knowing that we are prepared for their assault."

"Yes, Your Majesty." And with that, the dragon flew off into the distance.

"You're really taking your job seriously." The Pyro Archon came from behind her.

I sighed. "I have no other choice. I would be kind if I could, but this is war. This is about to come down to the next Archon War at least.

The Pyro Archon's mouth thinned. "Please do not mention such."

"Of course. I wouldn't talk of such things that make bad memories come back. The past is in the past, and all that matters is the present."

"Thank you for your understanding, Starwisher."

"It is nothing. Xiao told me about such... earlier."

"Another breakdown? Oh, Starwisher, we'll get him back, don't you worry about that."

"Yes," I sighed. "Sometimes it's hard to control myself, especially after everything I've been through."

"Agreed. If I had been through as much as you have, I would have surely broken down more than 2 times a day."

This comment made me laugh. "It would make anyone breakdown, trust me."

"Lumine." Xiao appeared next to me. I had gotten used to his sudden appearances, and didn't jump like I used to, when Xiao would just show up from nowhere."

"What is it, Xiao?" I asked.

"The enemy approaches. The lantern's will be released within the hour."

"Get everyone in the position. Get the archons over here. I need a word with them. Once everyone has settled, come back to me." Xiao's expression was grim as he nodded, and then vanished. When Xiao had finally returned, the Archons had just shown up.

"Everyone is in their positions?" I said, looking at Xiao.

"Everyone but us."

"Alright! Archons, lead your citizens to battle, then once you see a pump of hydro and electro go blasting into the air, meet me at the area. Understood? Morax, pretend you are leading me. I will be wearing a mask as if I am a Yaksha."

"Yes, understood. Should we get going now?" Zhongli looked at me in question.

"One more thing. I will be at the front gates of the Harbor. As soon as I launch pyro into the air, you are to lead your troops into battle. Barbatoes, moments after this, you are to summon Dvalin. Anything needs to be clarified?"

"Yes. Will I be going with you?" Xiao questioned.

I sighed. "Afraid yes, Xiao."

He grumbled in response. "All may have your leave now. I need a word with Lumine." With his words, the Archons left, leaving me and Xiao to have a word with each other.

"So... what did you need, Xiao?"

"'ve been training with different weapons as well, correct?"

" did you know?"

"I found a particular weapon in your tent while you were away on patrol with Lord Morax and Ei. When you three returned, I asked Morax about the bow. He called it Elegy for the End. That's the name, isn't it?"

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