Chapter 9: Suspicion Upon a Meeting With the Dragon

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Zhongli/Rex Lapis Point View

"Keqing, make sure that there are no monsters roaming around freely."

"Yes, my lord."

"Do not say such titles in front of me. You may have your leave now."

"Understood. I will be on my way now." Keqing said, as she stood and left the room.

"You've gathered control over your nation quite quickly." The blond haired girl said she entered the room.

"Your Majesty! I apologize, I did not expect to see you until tomorrow. Forgive my rudeness."

The girl laughed. "Just like you, I do not like formal titles. Please do not call me that."

"Understood. What brings you here a day early Starwisher?"

"Xiao here was missing his lord, so we came a bit earlier."

"Lumine! I serve Liyue, and I signed the contract. I just wanted to have a word with Morax."

"Zhongli is fine my boy. So what about the contract that brings you running to me, my boy?"

"My contract is to protect Liyue. Yet, Starwisher has asked me to travel with her. I was wondering..."

"Xiao, my boy. Right now, the efforts that you and Starwisher put into this are to protect Liyue. They are to protect Teyvat. That is why, I, Rex Lapis, end the contract, binding the Vigilant Yaksha to Liyue, to foreverly protect Liyue, and I give my blessings to him for a happy life."

"T-thank you, my lord. Thank you."

"There is no need to thank me. I was only doing what would be best."

"Well, let's get to work. The monsters. How are they?"

"Last week, we received a report of a large amount of monsters on the outskirts of the harbor, as well as a large amount of monsters over at the mountains."

"Mt. Tianheng, correct?"

"Yes. Did you see the monster on your way here?"

"...This is last week you say?"

"Yes. Is there anything wrong?"

"...I want more reinforcements in that area. Me and Xiao just passed through there, and we were there for 2 days and 1 night. Due to the large number of monsters, Xiao had to watch. There were just too many monsters, as well as a few ruin hunters and ruin guards."

"Understood. Any other areas with a large amount of monsters?"

"Wangshu Inn is to be under heavy supervision. I want that place clear of monsters. We will be camping there if needed on the journey."

"Any other areas?"

"No. But, I do want something to be brought to attention."

"Oh? And just what is that?"

"This. Xiao, fetch the spy." Xiao disappeared, only leaving an open door to announce that he had left the room to get the person that was spying on them. Only moments later, he reappeared, prodding Ningguang with a dull knife.

"Stop doing that! Do you know who you're messing with?! Morax would be enraged about your actions!"

"The only one he's going to be upset with is you. Spying on us if lowly of you."

I was shocked. Ningguang wasn't the type of person to spy.

"Ningguang, what makes you spy on our conversation?" I stated.

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