Chapter 8: Travels

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Almost all of the Archons had been frightened by my strange behavior that had just happened. The only ones who hadn't been shaken much were Baal and Zhongli. They looked like this happened everyday in their lives. By just looking in their eyes, it seemed as if some random stranger walked right up to them everyday and started going crazy. That's what their faces looked like.

"W-w-what just h-h-happened?" Venti stuttered.

"Just a little fit of mine whenever my brother comes to mind."

"That happens? Every time?"

"Yes," I signed. This stupid bard... I turned to look at Zhongli and Baal.

"Everything okay over there? You look like you see this happening everyday of your lives." I said.

"We're fine. The real question is, are you okay? Your eyes look like someone just dumped a whole bucket of sand dust." Zhongli replied. "We can't have a sick queen fighting."

"I'm fine Zhongli, just a faint memory of my brother. Must have been triggered when you all absorbed your nonis. Everytime that happens, I will go a bit crazy. Afterward, my eyes turn to a sandy color." I turned around to find that Venti was trying to get rid of his nonis due to what just happened.

"Venti, don't you dare. Removing it will just cause another fit."

"Sorry. Didn't know."

"You don't know anything you bard." Zhongli said in a teasing tone.

Venti grumbled. "Says you."

I just signed. "Better not do it again then Venti. On top of that my friends, I still have to meet the elemental beasts so I will have no time to spread this word, but if you could, please tell everyone to come and meet at this location on December 15, about quarter after sunrise?"

"Sure. But who do you want to come?" asked Zhongli.

"All of the visioned. That's including that stupid fatui scumbag." I replied.

"You mean Childe?" Zhongli asked back.

"Don't even mention his name. That bastard took your nonis then raised the hydra during a battle to the death, and then ran away. That little son of a bitch."

"Lumine! Please watch the language."

"It's true though. Also, please do not mention my name. If they ask, tell them that's a very important adeptis named Starwisher, and everyone needs to join her because a war is coming and must speak with all."

"Understood. If that's all, may we have our leave?"

"Yes. I must get going just as well. See you then. Remember, December 15. Be there." Then I just focused on the two main spots on my backbone and grabbed Xiao's hand.

"I will have my leave now. Farewell friends."

"Farewell Lumine" said seven voices and then me and Xiao teleported behind a white screen of space.

Rebirth of a Lost God: A Xiaolumi SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now