Christmas Special: Dancing in the Snow with You

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Author note: I'm sorry!!! In my time zone, it's Christmas Day, and I know in some other places in the world, it's pretty late, so forgive me! So please, enjoy your Christmas, and also enjoy Xiaolumi's!

Third Point of View

Lumine pranced in the snow with delight. She looked up at Xiao, in his winter clothing, and blushed slightly. Xiao was sitting up in the tree, overlooking the snowy ground inside the serenitea teapot world, also making sure that Lumine stayed safe. Lumine grinned as a thought came to her head. Lumine jumped and teleported to Xiao and jumped onto him, causing them both to fall off the perch in the tree and Lumine teleported them so that they were both standing on the iced field. Lumine smiled, and held out her hand. Xiao took the small gloved hand, and they danced upon the ice.


In the Afternoon


"Merry Christmas you lovebirds!" Paimon teased.

Lumine turned and took out a fork and knife from the star storage. Paimon screamed, fled the scene and left presents for the two lovebirds. Almost everyone included in the war had left presents wishing the two and merry Christmas and greetings to a new year. Even Childe had done so, a bit frightened that Lumine might come and get payback for what he had done, just like every week, Lumine would do, just to get rewards from the Adventures Guild.

"Ugh. I'm bored. What should we dooooo?"

"Actually, I was thinking that maybe we could have a snowball fight?"

The voice came out of nowhere, and then Lumine looked up and saw Albedo and Klee standing at the doorway.

"That's a great idea! Let's goooo!" Lumine lept up from her chair, dragging poor Xiao along with Albedo and Klee following along.


That night


Lumine sat, shivering, after the winter fun. After others within the teapot had seen the four of them playing in the snow, more and more people had slowly started joining. Now, it was night and it was much colder than it had been in the afternoon, everyone had retreated indoors, not wanting to catch a cold. Lumine and Xiao sat in the living room, talking.


Xiao tilted his head. "I'm listening."

"I-I.... I'm sorry to tell you this now... but a week after the Lantern Rite... I must leave."

Xiao looked at Lumine more closely, and could tell that the blonde was about to cry.

"It's alright. You know I can wait. I expected you to be leaving sometime soon anyway. You can't keep a god from her duty." Xiao said, lifting her up, and putting her in his lap. "Lumine. It's alright now. Don't cry." Xiao started wiping away her tears.

"I'm s-sorry I-I didn't tell you a-any sooner. I-I'm sorry." The girl said between hiccups.

"It's alright... don't cry..." Xiao kissed the young blonde, but deep inside, he was crying as well.


Lantern Rite


Author's Note #2: Didn't exactly think this was possible, but I just wanted to let ya'll know that I'm starting a different series for Xiaolumi, cause that's just how much I ship it. Another heads up that that in another two chapters to go, and this season will end, and another will start up! Have a good day all of you, and let's hope that I won't have to do another 2 author note in one chapter!

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