Battle for Supremacy

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Time: 7:50 am, final day of 'grace period'

Location: Outside the 2nd year dorms

3rd person POV

"Oh senpai!"

"....Amasawa-san.... what do you want...."

"Its such a lovely day today isn't sen-pai!"

"I don't have time for this."

"Hmph, senpai is so mean to your cute kouhai here."


The student turned from Amasawa and made their way towards the classro-

"If you don't want to be expelled senpai, I suggest you take a look at this."

Upon hearing those words, the student turned around to face a phone screen, to which caused their eyes to widen.

"H-How did you get this?!"

"Ohhhh, I have my ways, hehe."

"Anyway senpai, unless you want this in the wrong hands, it would be in your best interest to do what I say."


"Tick-tock senpai, my patience runs thin you know."

"Haah..... fine.... not like I have a choice in the matter...."


"Oh and of course this is only between you and me, mention this to anyone and you can kiss your school life good bye, we'll definitely know if you do spill the beans."

".... What do I have to do?"

"Nothing big really, we're just going to have a little fun."

Amasawa flashed a devilish grin towards the defeated figure in front of her. 

In class 2C

*Ring* *Ring*

"Everyone take your seats, I have an announcement to make before we begin 1st period." Chabashira said making her way to the podium.

"With today being Friday, it marks your final day of official training under the 'grace period.' As such, over the weekend, the school grounds will not be available while the faculty clean and prepare for next week."

"The good news for you, with this exam being unique, the pool area and any outdoor facilities you may need will remain open until dark for your training requirements."

Battle of the ElitesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang