Chasing defeat

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Nagumo Monologue




It started out as a simple irk in the back of my mind. A small chill that crawled up my spine.

A noticeable, but manageable discomfort.

Horikita Manabu.

When I saw him.... I saw that same discomfort grow.

It became more noticeable and less manageable....

I fought against him, to claim the throne.

Sadly, due to our year difference. Opportunities were limited, but still I fought.

Yet, he was remarkable.



As if nothing I did made a difference.

That calmness.... that composure....

I.... envied that?



He showed up....

The discomfort grew worse, the questions began to pile up within me.

Was my talent real?

As time went by.... I was engulfed by those two shadows....

I hated it.

The source of my discomfort.


I managed.

I controlled my thoughts through those around me. Like a true emperor should.

That's what true talent is.

But then that changed.

When I learned the true face of the monster.

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