Hearts of Glass

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Time: 8:00 am

Location: Class 2C- first period, day 1 of 'grace period'

3rd person POV

"Alright everyone, before we begin your English lessons for today; everyone will go ahead and vote for your class's exam leader."

Mashima-sensei motioned for the students to grab their tablets.

"Sensei, before we vote, may I say a few words to the class, I want to do this now before homeroom." Horikita asked raising her hand.

"Very well, just keep it under 5 minutes."

Horikita made her way to the front and stood behind the teacher's podium and scanned her class.

'They're restless. Nervous. Scared. Angry, I must do all that I can for them.'

"This exam is unthinkable.... even after everything we witnessed.... the videos.... the children.... Ayanokoji-kun.... even now, it's still sinking in that this world is a bigger place than I once thought.... and much crueler."

"Y-Yeah, you're right Horikita-san, to think that our own classmate. Our own friend suffered through that.... it's wrong."

Hirata gave his opinion as everyone in the class recalled the horror they witnessed.

"I understand everyone is sad about Ayanokoji-kun's departure.... he was our seatmate...."

Matsushita looked to her side at the empty chair to once again turn away trying to keep her composure.

"He was our friend...."

The Ayanokoji group looked at one another, for them.... their friend group.... just isn't the same anymore.

"And for someone else.... a lover...."

Karuizawa was already tearing up, but now at this statement her tears fell from her cheeks leaving spots on her notebook. The same notebook she used to study with her beloved Kiyotaka.

"However, we should be happy.... Ayanokoji-kun may not be here.... but he's free. Whichever high school he went to, he has begun anew. Heh.... enjoying that peaceful life he worked so hard to protect."

Horikita paused to recenter everyone's attention then continued,

"This time, it is our high school lives that are being threatened.... by the same foe that Ayanokoji-kun fought against.... Professor Ayanokoji and the White Room."

"How do we beat them Suzune.... those guys, the training they went through is no joke." Sudo asked with uncertainty.

"Yes, about that.... for the week of 'grace period' we much train and study to battle against an unfadable opponent.... to do so.... we will go through unfadable.... tasks."

"Tasks.... Horikita-san.... y-you mean tasks as in-"

"Yes.... to challenge the WR students.... for the week, we will go through a regiment of White Room training."

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