56. The Phone call

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Suddenly my eyes fell on the small picture which was hanging on the wall. I walked closer to get the batter view but I regret at the same time when I saw Aditi's picture there with garland hanging around her photo frame. Tears brimmed into my eyes and I clenched my fist in a tight grip to control my anger.

How could someone do that to his own sister?

"She is my Bua ji but she doesn't live with us. She died few years ago." I looked down when Rudra gave mw the information. I wonder how a three year old toddler know this.

"Who told you this?" I asked keeping my voice low as I don't want to scare him but I was burning in anger from inside.


Fucking basters.

She was his daughter. If they don't love her then no one give them a damn right to put garland around her photo frame when she is alive. Not just one but the whole family is same.

"What the hell are you doing here?" The main door of the house open and Atul entered in the house, his parents follow behind him.

His wife came out from the kitchen with the glass of water but after seeing her husband and parents-in-law she put the try on near table and walked to her husband, took his office bag from him.

"Atul, he is your friend." She tried to say.

"How many times I have told you not open the doors for strangers." He barked on his wife in anger forgetting the fact that she is nine months pregnant.

"Shouting on weak people is your old habit Atul." I said looking directly into his eyes with same ignition.

"Why are you here?" His father walked further and asked me.

"What happened with Aditi?" I asked directly looking at his father. I am not same 18 years old teenager who was helpless. Now I am a fucking IAS officer and can do anything.

"She is dead 8 years ago." His mother come forward and said with hate.

"At least have some shame by telling your living daughter to be dead." I said through my greeted teeth looking at his mother. I fisted my hand, trying to control my anger.

"She is dead for us 8 years ago. She doesn't deserve to be our family."  Atul said but I scoffed.

"Yes, you are right she doesn't deserve the shit people like you." I mocked to him in sarcasm.

"Watch your words. You are standing on my property." He pointed his finger to me.

I hold his finger and move it down.

"I have said one harsh word against you and you burnt like a fire think how did she feel when you and your parents don't leave a chance to make her feel worthless." I said.

"She is worthless and she always be. She was like a curse to us. What she had done to us she deserves to roat on road and should live like a street dogs but you should thank to us that we sent her to my sister's house. At least they are giving her roof and food." I could not believe to my ears when I heard such words coming out from father's mouth for her daughter.

"How could someone wish such things for his own daughter? She adored all of you. I was your neighbour but I saw how she craved for your love them how could you not see her pain. At some corner of your heart must feel something for her that's why you out her picture on wall." I said pointing towards the wall where her picture was hanging.

"I had told you not to put this picture on wall.", His mother took long strides towards the wall. She removed the picture and throw it on the floor. The pieces of glass were scattered everywhere on the floor. Atul's wife pulled her three years old toddler to her, saving her from the broken glass. Tears brimmed into my eyes seeing her picture on the floor. It was just nit the pieces of broken glass, they are pieces of Aditi's broken life.

The Broken Souls  (Beyond the love)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang