"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," Erin said on the way up the stairs. "We've not decided to buy the place yet. But if we did, you can have that room if it's the one you want."

"I would want the biggest one but I know you guys are going to have that one," Clem said from inside 'her' bedroom.

"Yes, we are," Jay said with humour, walking in there to join her. "This one is nice though, right? Look at that view."

The room they were in had a perfect view of the garden, which had tall trees at its bottom end to block out the view from the garden of another house that backed on to it.

"It's nice," Clementine said. "Can I decorate it with Cubs and WWE stuff?"

"WWE stuff? Where has that come from?" Jay asked, looking at her.

"It's her new thing," Erin said. "They watch it when she goes to Ruth's house."

A Puerto-Rican girl called Ruth had become Clementine's closest friend in school, and they had started socialising outside of school too. For the time being only with Clem going to Ruth's place because Erin and Jay's apartment was too small.

"Wrestling is awesome," Clem said. "Ruth and her sister always watch it. Now I like it too."

"Why does no one tell me anything?" Jay said good naturedly. The truth of it was he was happy for Clem to have an interest other than baseball as he hadn't been totally comfortable with her level of obsession over it.

"Will you watch it with me, dad?" she asked, looking up at him eagerly.

How could he say no to something like that? "Of course, Clem. And I'll do better than that. When they're in town, I'll take you to a show."

"You will? Awesome! You're the best! I can't wait for that now."

"I think thank you is what you meant to say," Erin said gently. Manners was one thing she was strict on.

"Thank you," Clementine said seriously.

"Okay, let's look around the house before that real estate guy locks us in here," Jay said.

They ended up spending another fifteen minutes walking around, going into each room and talking about what might be possible to do with them. By the time they were ready to leave, Jay felt like he and Erin had both made a decision.

"Shall we put an offer on it?" he asked her.

"Yes, but not right now. Give it a couple of hours and call them. It looks better. I'll let you handle the finances though. You're better at that kind of thing than I am."

Jay gave her a peck on the lips. "I'll take care of it."


That evening over dinner, Erin, Jay and Clementine were telling Kayla about the house that they had viewed, and were hoping to buy. When all was said and done, their new place would be Kayla's home too. A full time live-in arrangement would make things better and easier for all four of them. Five once the baby arrived.

"My bedroom is at the back, and it has a sick view of the garden," Clem announced loudly.

"It has a nice view," Erin corrected. She didn't like the 'sick' thing any more than Jay did.

Clementine pressed on regardless. "Mom and dad's room is at the back too. So that means your room will be on the front, Kayla. And my brother or sister will be too. Why aren't we finding out if it's a boy or a girl?" she asked Erin.

"We've talked about this, Clem. We're not finding out until the baby is born. That's how me and your dad want it."

"Sucks," Clementine said quietly.

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