1 :: Cookie Crumbs

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Art by me (@cherridash)


    Isn't that where all the great stories start? Or that's what I was told. Extended family calls it the best years of a young person's life- I've never really understood that part. Waste of time really, only about half the teachers care about the students and most of us are either just trying to get through school or have read way too many stories about high schools...

  Though this was the last place I had expected to spend my last day of school before summer break. 

   "Mr Reed, please sit down"

    'I have always tried to be a good kid, I stayed out of trouble-'

   "Your daughter physically attacked another student, she had to be taken to the nurse's office, unconscious mind you."

   'Until this one time...I just didn't.'

   "And what happened to provoke my daughter into doing so?"

   'I never knew I could be blinded by such rage...'

  "None of the teachers saw the incident, nor have either of the girls spoken. Ms. Clinton has yet to wake up and Ms. Reed has been crying ever since."

   But because of my actions I was sitting in the principal's office, my hands tucked on my lap as my dad and principal spoke. Hot tears streamed down my face as the incident replayed in my head...

   Her insults

   Her taunting 

   My bottled up emotions 

   Her bloody face-

  My stomach twisted as I thought of her face, bloody and broken acid burned my throat as my body wanted to heave. Though I still tried to listen to the adults.

  "Ms. Clinton has minor injuries to the face, and her parents wish to press charges. They are also demanding that Reagan be sent to juvenile detention- Mr. Reed, I have never known your daughter to be violent. Ms Clinton however has had detention on multiple occasions."

   "I see... may I talk to my daughter, alone?"

   "Of course, Mr. Reed."

   With that Mr. Wolfe exited the room, his sympathetic glance made me want to curl up and hide.

   "Rea, sweetheart. What happened?"

   Looking up at my father's kind expression as he rubbed my shoulder, I couldn't hold it in any longer.  "S-she pulled my hair, she's been doing this for months daddy! She spreads rumors and has gotten Dai in trouble a-and I just got so mad... then she hit me...I didn't mean to hurt her Daddy, honest I didn't!"

  Dad pulled me into a tight hug, as I spilled out the problem. Almost going on to continue the list of school problems though I stopped...he was already gonna be worried enough.

   "Why didn't you tell us?" He asked, his tone made my heart sink, how could I have been so stupid? He didn't need to know-

   "I'm sorry dad..." I muttered, I needed to control myself...I couldn't let this happen ever again.

   After our little talk Dad thankfully didn't press any more. Keeping my eyes glued to the floor, I tried to calm myself down as the principal came back to speak with my dad. 

   Feeling a nudge; I looked up at my dad. Confused until he motioned to the window. Seeing Dai with her face pressed against it caused a light sense of relief to rise.

Snapshots :: Sweet Treats | Lloyd GarmadonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin