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"if you use your quirk here it the metal will towards me and crush me alive" I pointed "so someone has to undo my restraints first."

"looks you two needs a hand"

We look up to see "Deku, Midoriya, Bakugou!" Yuki and I synch. They both jump down as they undo my restraints "We were able to get your tracker back up" Deku said "seems like Rengade got you good"

"just get us out of here, and where's Shoto?" I questioned.

The three of them look behind but he wasn't there "he was right behind us" Bakugou said. "oh no" as soon as they free Yuki from restraints "we need to go!"

Yuki's POV

We kept running and running just to find Todoroki, he must be here somewhere. We look up to see someone walking out...

"huh? Eri?" I called. But wait she looks a bit older.

When she turn to us she got spook then started running away. I reach up "wait!" I chase her.

As we chase her we came up around a metal dome seeing Eri running away "Big Sis..!!" she called out.

Min ago Renegade's POV.

I close my eyes sitting down focusing my mind breathing calmly, resting my mind. I have to relieve my mind...

Something is not right... if this is a migraine.. why do I hear voices?

As I got deeper in my mind. I see something... an ominous shadow... as I look closer...

"You are growing weak Renegade"


I gasp opening my eyes as I hrip my chest feeling my heart rapidly beating "was that..?"

"Big Sis...!!"

I shot up from my seat as I rush out.

Yuki's POV

I can see Eri I'm almost close to her "Wait!" I said. I jump up and caught her as she struggles "let go of me!" she yelled, "hold on, listen" I calm her down as I pull hood up "wait... you look..."

I put up a calm face "my name is Yuki, I'm Renegade's other self here" I said.



All of a sudden I got hit by a metal beam everything went slow as I saw Eri went flying in mid air and falling. I saw a glimpse of red sparks as Eri falls she got caught by two arms around her, I got thrown by the wall as I fell down I look up to see "Yuki" my counterpart.

She gently put Eri down as she glared at me "you stay away from Eri" she said "I don't want her being involved with you heroes!" she shouted.

I use Restore as I pant looking up to face her "it doesn't have to be this way, Yuki!" I said to her.

She glared then stomp her left feet "I TOLD YOU HOW I BECAME LIKE THIS" she shouted "YET YOU STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND!!"

I heard foot steps running behind me there came Tenko and the others "Yuki!" they called, Tenko turn to see his sister standing few feet away "Yuki please stop this madness!" he said.

Renegade turn to Tenko "seems like you are not only fool!" she said "I promised you all peaceful lives for no need to fight villains! I made the world a better place without heroes and villains! And yet you chose to go against me all those years!"

"you've destroyed cities for protecting heroes and even wipe out UA from the map" Bakugou said then point at her "if you really wanted peace why kill those who go in your way?! You're being an idiot! You're a villain for some reasons, and I can tell you are tired of all of this!!"

Boku no Hero Academia : HOPE AND COURAGE Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon