"RENEGADE!!" Chisaki called "your mask!"

I check my jaw but it wasn't there, my mask. The flames must have melted it away. All of sudden my hood was pulled up "Who are you?!" it was Toya's voice "you don't want to show yourself behind that mask of yours, who are you Renegade?!"

Dammit it doesn't have to be this way.

"URK-!" all of a sudden I saw blood dripping, I saw Chisaki use his quirk and I saw the piercing sand on Toya's stomach.

"Renegade are you alright?!" Chisaki worried as he took out from his suit was a spare mask, I quickly took it then wear it "Chisaki it doesn't have to be this way!" I shouted.

I can't... the blood dripping "dammit... Toya..." I panic. Toya look at me groaning as he's starting to cough blood "how... how did... you know my name?" he asked. I close my eyes as I pull out a metal beam make it levitate "its gonna be alright..." I said as I carry him to the beam.

"Are you crazy?!" Chisaki exclaim "he's a hero!"

I grit my teeth "I don't care, he doesn't have to die like this!" I said.

Tenko's POV

Whats going on? Overhaul is gone. I look up to see Renegade and Overhaul are leaving and they have Todoroki unconscious.

"tch, dammit!"

I was too late, he was captured.

This time I won't let her away. I start walking "Senpai! Where are you going?!" Midoriya shouted.

"this has to stop, right now!" I shouted.

Midoriya smiled "if you're going then I am too" he said with determination. Then suddenly some of his friends came "if you're going and so will we!" Iida said.

I smiled seeing some of them gladly join them, this is a suicide mission but I'll make sure they go back to their love ones.

That night Renegade's POV

Right after I use everything in my stamina to restore Toya I became weakened I so I took some nutrient boost and stayed at the infirmary.

I kept remembering Chisaki's words.

He's a hero!

Are you insane?! You're saving him?!

Tch, I shake my head. I know this is pity but he is Shoto's brother. I just close my eyes...

The last thing I want to do is hurt Shoto...

As I open my eyes I let my guard down my mask was remove I glance a little just to see Toya is awake.

"I knew it..." Toya mumbled while holding the mask "its is you..."


Lady Nagant's POV

At that time she came back with Endeavor's eldest son she chabged a bit, those eyes aren't the eyes if a villain, but the eyes if the innocent.

In just those days I met Renegade she has this cold aura how she is this so serious about her goal.

'It is a pleasure to meet you Lady Nagant' she introduce herself.

'Who are you kid?' I questioned her since she is so young. By the looks of it she is that cold yet so such strong power and charisma.

'I'm Renegade, I'm the one whi cause this chaos' she introduce herself confidently.

'Just what do you get in this Chaos?' I asked her.

Renegade smiled confidently 'creation. Reform. A new beginning" she answer then came close 'I destroy this lamented society and start a new beginning' then she face me 'And I know you despise this society and truth.'

'How can you know? Just what do you know about me?' I questioned her as I started to feel hostile while she is still confident.

'I know you're the one cleaning the goverments messess' Renegade answer then raise her hand there a phone shows as she hack it show the evidence I was forced to kill those people. It hurts me to see it but how did she manage to recover all of them?

Renegade grin 'I manage to restore them using hack and download, as you may know I'm All for One's successor.'

My eyes widen in shock learning she's the successor of the All for One, 'just what do you want from me?' I asked.

'All I need is you to join my cause and reform this society' Renegade offer 'with this I shall give you justice and freedom, a sword to fight and a shield to protect.' With her hand offering at me 'real justice will be served.'

Real justice? All those times hero society never gave me real justice all they order me is to silence those loathe and know the truth to keep the pillar standing, even I wanted to resign my resignation is death that all I wanted is a peaceful life.

At that day I accepted Renegade hanf but 'I accept, but I too will join your cause to change society' I became one of her allies soon a trusted friend, soon I learn about Renegade's true identity as Yuki Shimura and a victim.

I notice she barely thought about herself, she only care about us. She protected and fought for us, no matter how the world see her as a monster I see her as the girl who is a victim of this world.

I blink open then turn on my sniper arm then cock it with bullet clay from my hair "never thought you'll come here Sazanka.." I glared down at the hero and the former UA students.

"We're tired of Renegade's rules, we're here to finish everything!" Sazanka look at me.

I click my tongue "you are all blind, I won't let you get close to Renegade NO MATTER THE COST"

I fired the bullet and change location, no matter what I will protect her cause. There are many of them and Sazanka desintegrate the defence I press the alarm "Overhaul! Evacuate now!"

"Kurogiri is gone!" Overhaul suddenly said, in a distance I saw smoke forming and it was Kurogiri in sedate knock unconscious, this is bad.

There are many of them but I need to hold for Yuki's sake. She has done enough so I must protect her.

"Now the Preview"

"Big Sis whats happening?!"

"we have to go!"

"Renegade, take Eri and leave!"

"I'm not leaving you!"

"you have to, be safe"


“wait... these are!”

"The next chapter of the Reversal Arc, Realization"

"Now Go Beyond! Plus Ultra"

Boku no Hero Academia : HOPE AND COURAGE Where stories live. Discover now