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You genuinely had no idea on how you supposed to react now. It is not the first time you've got confession like this -it is not like you're still in high school either- so how you supposed to respond him? Being shy? cry? run? Thanks to Ran, he buried your face deep in his chest right now so you can take your time to think about what steps you will take after this.

“I am such a bad brother and subordinate, right (Y/N)-chan?”

Finally your sense understand where this conversation lead to. Your chest tightened as if you could feel what he feel right now. Define the fact that your grandmother taught you many things on how to treat pain- but this kind of pain would never be cured forever.

It must hurt, when you have to fight your ego, knowing the person you love now belong to someone else. Indeed, no effort is in vain. But if your efforts to get a little chance to have her heart instead fall into the hands of another man, heartbreak and disappointment can not be avoided anymore.

Standing as a gentleman he was, the purple-black haired man pull you out of his hug, slowly wiping your tears that you don't aware it have fallen from both corner of your eyes. Pinch your cheeks and shake it to the left and right, now that his plan to make you stop crying is working as you got annoyed by his action.

“Stowp it Rawwn”

He can not help but laugh, not that usual flirty or smuggy laugh, it was a pure and genuinely laugh. As if it has its own uniqueness, that laugh attracts you to laugh too, enjoying the moment both of you have right now.

Drowning on your own happiness for who knows how long, both of you and Ran didn’t realize that someone already forced to open the rooftop door, kicking it, causing a loud thud can be heard as now Ran caught his guard up.

Pulling you to hide behind his back, ready to take out his gun from his pocket but not as fast as a gunshot sound landed on your ears, twice.

Closing your eyes due to the shockness earlier, now you started to slowly opened it, your sight was welcomed by Ran’s back which make you sigh in relief, a little bit move your body to saw a dead man near the door sleeping peacefully on his own blood pool.

“Phew. That was close, right Ran?” Got nothing as a respond, you called him again.


As if the world has stopped, time did not working anymore, cold sweat dripped all over your body as soon as Ran turned his body to face you. You were trembling hard and your hands went cold- not because of the winter wind, but because your mind was starting to filled with horrible images and something inside of you was rebelling to get out the words that occupy your mind,


“Yeah, That was close (Y/N). Thank god you’re safe.” He smile, his usual lazy smile are not there, that was a honest smile, pure from his deeply heart, that genuinely one which you saw on the first day you’ve met him.

His face radiated happiness, asynchronous with what he was going through, blood splurting from his body, getting shot in the chest staining his purple suit become red. Panic attack your heart and your palms trying as best as you can to cover the wound to stop the bleeding as his knee getting weak, he let his heavy body fall on you as now both of you lay on the floor.

“No no no no hanging there Ran, I’ll call ambulance okay? Please, please stay with me Ran.” Sitting on the floor, you placed his head on your lap, with one hand covered the wound, you reach your phone to get some help- to save his life.

“I’m glad that the last person I saw on my life was you (Y/N)-chan.”

“STOP SAYING STUFF LIKE THAT YOU’RE NOT GONNA DIE!” You scream histerically, crying your lungs out, sight getting blurry because of the tears yet you still manage to call the ambulance.

“Haa.. I’m kinda miss my younger brother right now.” He’s trying to chuckle, only to make him cough up blood.

“FOR FUCK SAKE RAN STOP TALKING, DAMN IT.” Finish the call, you didn’t mind to throw your phone away as your attention back to Ran, bent your head down a little, some of your tears landed on his face make him feel the warmth of it as now he cupped your cheeks, staring you deep into your eyes.

“Thank you for giving me chance to know you, to be with you. I’m so happy, I never feel this happy before I know you. You made my world brighter (Y/N) and I love you, even we're just barely met.” His grip on your cheeks get weaken and now you feel his hand running cold along with his face getting pale more and more.

“Be happy (Y/N)-chan, with whoever it is. Take care of yourself, also don’t be too harsh with Rindou okay? I know he love you sincerely.” His smile slowly dissapeared as his eyes getting closed bit by a bit.

“I’m sorry.” He whispered with his last breath, both of his hands fell to the floor as your eyes notice something on his right hand, sliding his suit sleeves upward a bit, you saw a bracelet, that couple bracelet he bought with you the first time you’ve met him.

Touching it’s star pendant which sparkling refract the moonlight, you can not help but painfully cry, screaming his name as loud as you can as if it can make him awake or just to knock some sense of you so you can out from this nightmare.

But it wasn’t a nightmare. It was a reality. Sudden feel of emptiness cover your whole being, the night was never this dark, bring your hand back to him, you cupped his peacefully rest figure, giving him a peck on his cold lips while whispered,

“Wait for me, Ran.”

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