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Bonten wasn’t called as the worst criminal organization for nothing. Since you’re around them, you do learn a lot about their daily life, fraud, murder, drugs, and even prostitute, which sometimes you feel bad to them because some of the woman that they sold are minor. It’s been more than a week since you left home, but somehow your grandma didn’t call you yet and your job in your hometown, who knows, maybe you already fired.

After Kaito's death, Sanzu take care the two bosses left while Koko taking all of their wealth. It was too easy to them to take down Kaito’s organization, mission complete and now you all going to celebrate it. At first Sanzu suggest to held a big party in their private club along with, you know, the girls and stuff, got drunk and nasty, or even high. But you refuse, said that you want to bake some cakes and just want to celebrate it at the headquarter with just eight of you.

At first, Sanzu was hesitated but Mikey is in the other line, he agree easily and now you are here, baking some cake and cookies, Takeomi bought many kinds of liquors, Mikey sleep in the couch the moment after he ate his taiyaki, some are playing poker, and Rindou, being asshole as usual, hugging you from behind while you’re preparing stuff.

“Stop hugging me you jellyfish head. Are you crazy?”

“Yes. I’m crazy for you.” He sniffed your nape and tighten his hug on your waist.

“Geez, what do you want?” you sigh, there’s no use getting argued with him now.

“I want to eat you.” He said, making you blush.

“Shut up.”

“Wow what the fuck?” Sanzu come out of nowhere, at first he just want to grab some water here but now, seeing you two being lovey-dovey boiling his blood as anger can be seen from his gaze.

As if Sanzu wasn’t there, Rindou just continue being clingy and sniffing you here and there until Sanzu let out his gun, aiming that to Rindou as a ‘click’ sound can be heard, ready to pull the trigger indicate that he wasn’t joking.

“Get away from her.”

“Or what?” Rindou wasn’t hug you again as now he face Sanzu, both hands in his pocket while smirk widely which you found it hot.

“Or else I’ll blow your head and make that filthy hands of yours will never touch her anymore.”

You know it. You know Sanzu mean what he said. You start getting frightened, see your surrounding and trying to find anything that can stop this scene, flour to make his sight blur-, no. A pan to shield Rindou from the bullets-, no. A knife..

“Not in my watch.” Feel relieve for a while, Ran voice could be heard make you get rid of your negative thoughts, not until you saw him aiming his gun behind Sanzu head which make the situation worse.

“Protect your younger brother as usual huh? What a good brother you are, Ran.” Smirk never left that attractive face of them, as now the rest executive came to the scene, maybe because they found another interesting games besides poker they played earlier.

“Popcorn? Anyone?” Koko sarcastically said while let out a chuckle, and now Mochi was the one who spoke,

“Hey Akashi, why you just keep watching? You should protect your brother too, right? That’s what elder bother should do.” He laugh his lungs out in unison with Koko and Ran, Rindou’s smirk are just getting wider and wider.

“You guys stop it. Mikey will angry-“

Didn’t let Kakucho finish his statement, a loud bang interrupt his words as now a sound of the glass cabinet shattered into pieces can be heard to your ears, Sanzu can’t hold his anger and shot it with the intention to hurt Rindou but at the end it just hurt you, because you use your back as a shield for him. Everyone stand in shock, until Mikey came and broke the silence.

Bad Romance || Bonten x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now