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Thick cold air encompass the whole surrounding where you at right now. It just a merely afternoon in the merely winter day, in an under construction building you lean your back to the wall of the rooftop, the highest spot in this area as you saw infront of it, there is a unspecial three-story building, more like usual office, which they believe that was a hideout of a small criminal organization who try to fraud Bonten.

From the binocular on your hand, you saw Mikey and Koko sit beside each other, some guards from Bonten are behind them, offering a black case to the man across where they sit who smile slyly. Sudden voice break your concentration, as now you facing him, who seems worried for who the hell know what was he thought.

“Hey idiot, it’s time to go.”

Shrugged your shoulder off, you took the backpack that had been at your near feet since earlier, put it on your back and get prepared, while Rindou pointed something which looks like a gun, shot it at the office rooftop wall until something stuck causing cracks around it. A strand of rope connects the building you are standing in now and the office.

“You sure you wanna do this?”

Responding his question with a simple hum, you tie another rope to your body, a round iron sticks to the previous rope, holding the two ropes together now you’re ready to cross the building.

“Be careful.”

“Why do you care tho?”

You gave him a scornful gaze before you took off, leaving him without a chance to answer. Hanging and sliding in a rope, you saw beautiful scenery below you, people looks like a bunch of ants, even if you’re just hundred meters above.

Arrived on your destination, you climb a little bit and now untie the ropes that bind your body, in a flash you saw Rindou still standing there, along with the man whose task are sniper for today, Sanzu.

Both of them  was murmuring something you can’t heard anymore- something which you shouldn't need to hear.

“You like her?” Sanzu now laying on the floor, focused his gaze on the vision in his gun, ready to shot the target at Mikey words.


A simple answer from Rindou make him tugs his lips upward, his scars twitch a bit, as if something burden on his shoulder are finally left, not until the three sweet words that every woman wants to heard from their crush left his mouth,

“I love her.”

Both hands on his pocket, Rindou slowly walking to the stairs, leaving Sanzu dumbfounded, his heart pounding hard yet he didn’t know what was he felt, fifty percent of his emotion fill with rage while competitive side of him rebelling as if it want to say ‘Rindou will only get in your way’ or people usually called it as


“Do you mean it?”

Tilting his head a little bit, smirk painted on his fine figure, continue his walk while back facing Sanzu, ready to leave the scene.

“Who wouldn’t love their hero?”


“Kaku-chan please open the door for me, I’m already done put the first bomb on the rooftop wall.”

“Got it. Done. Now you can enter, don’t forget (Y/N), it was the second room in the third floor where the USB was and the third room on the second floor they were at. Don’t put the bomb there.”

“Geez I know.” Running bare-footed, you slowly down the stairs to the third floor, almost let your soul out due to the shockness when an enemy guard passed by.

He was as shock as you ready to take out his gun and aiming it to you, but before he was able to do that, a splash of blood landed on your face in unison with the sound of glass shattered into pieces, he got headshot by Sanzu.

You saw him from afar, even though you can’t saw his expression from here but you’re a hundred percent convinced that he put that flirty smirk one.

A proud chuckle can be heard through your earbuds, thanks to him now you heard a crowd sound coming into you, probably the other enemy heard that and try to check what was happened.

“You’re welcome sweetheart.”

“Welcome my ass. You better take care of this or I’ll fucking slit your throat with a shattered of glass.”

His laugh are just getting louder, you roll your eyes back and continue your mission. Past the pile of corpses that Sanzu finished off just a moment when they were about to approach your location.

Now you go to the second room from where you are, enter it and see that no one are there, go straight to a safe hidden behind a painting, according to Kakucho's directions you open it and succeed take the USB in it.

Put two bombs on the wall, you quit as soon as possible now running to where Mikey and Koko at, but for your surprise you saw the hall was quiet and empty, no human presence was in there, in more specific words, there are no alive human presence because all of them was beaten up by Ran and Takeomi, their expensive black suit now changed into red, their gaze landed on you the moment they saw you arrived.

“Had fun?” You imitated Ran's tone when he first caught you with Rindou, without looking at him, you put the last bomb near the stairs to make no way out for them.

“I know something way way more fun than this (Y/N)-chan~”

Giving a sign to Mikey and Koko by knocking the door, and ready to climbing up back to the rooftop, where later Rindou and Mochi will pick all of you up by helicopter, gunshots can be heard, indicating that Mikey and Koko have killed the enemy.

Your adrenaline high up as now you, Ran, Koko, Mikey and Takeomi run until your lungs out because the bomb already active and in twenty seconds it'll blew the whole building on fire.

“Come on old man, is that all you can do? Move your feet like this.” Ran laugh sarcastically amidst his panting breaths, mocking Takeomi who was only a step behind him.

“Shut up you fucker.”

“Let’s go, they already arrived.” Koko let out a scream as a loud sound of the helicopter getting louder indicates you are getting closer to it.

The moment you saw all of them was already hop inside the helicopter,your knees getting weaken and about to give up, you saw it already in blood because you step on some of the shattered glass, almost faint, you saw Mikey running towards you and carry you hop to the helicopter in a flash, before all the building explode.

Bad Romance || Bonten x Fem ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz