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“Ran what happened to you?” At first you’re hesitate but after running towards him to confirm by yourself, you do believe that was him but different as what you saw yesterday, now his face full of wound here and there, one of his eyes were half closed, and his left hand wasn’t in place it’s supposed to be while wrapped in bandage. His expression was as shock as you but that’s not the main point, what did you do now are more than enough to tensed up the circumstances.

You cupped his cheeks with both of your palms, slightly move his head to the right and left, examining further more until look his neck which now you realized that he has the same tattoo as Sanzu.

“Who did this to you?” tiptoed to match your height with him, you bring your face closer to his and touch the purple blue wound on his half-opened eyes causing him hissed in pain yet not let out any words.

“What the fuck was going on here (Y/N)!?” This is the first time you heard Sanzu calling you by your name and now his footsteps are nearing to your direction. Somehow forget there are seven Bonten’s members here and their leader, thanks to him now you finally snapped back to reality. Sanzu grip your hand rudely enough to make you away from Ran and back to him.

“Wait, isn’t that the dress that I bought for your girl last night, right Kakucho? I thought you finally get a lover  that’s why I am willingly to help you.” Sliding his tongue out, thanks to the half- sided shaved white haired guy which has a Bonten tattoo, for the making the atmosphere become worse.

“Wow. A foursome.” Now a purple-haired man who really looks like Ran, spoke sarcastically.

The other members are just keep silent and eyeing you, your eyes trying to identified all of them, there are Sanzu, Ran, Kakucho, two white-haired man, a man whose ciggaretes never left his lips and has a scar on his eyebrow –what happened with scar and all of them tho?-, a man with mustache that shorter than him, and last, probably Ran’s twin which has similar haircut with Sanzu.

“Kill her.” One statement from the leader make everyone in this room stunned.

“WHAT- WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? Are you insane? I did nothing why you keep insist to kill me? Did you hate me that much!?” your yell echoing through Sanzu’s house, hurting their ears.

“We don’t need a slut in here.” Mikey continue to spoke.

“What-“ your eyes opened wider due to shockness, taken aback from what was he said, you took a step closer to him with the intention to slap him really hard in the cheeks.

“Move and I’ll blow your head.”

“Uh huh, try me.”

Now he’s the one who opened his eyes wide, not believing his own eyes when he saw Sanzu and Ran already in front of you, become an alive shield for the sake of your own life since they know that Mikey will be not hesitate to pull the trigger.

“Now... Let’s just start the meeting anyway, ri- right Boss?” Kakucho indecisively stated.


“How can we know that she’s not a spy, Boss?” That ciggaretes addict asked.

You’re already inside the meeting room along with the executives of Bonten which you’ve just know earlier when Kakucho said “Now the executives meeting are start". After convincing Mikey with some stuff like ‘killing her will just wasting our time’ and ‘the cleaning team are busy, who’s gonna throw her body later?’ plus Sanzu and Ran heroic act earlier, finally Mikey did not killed you –for now- and let you join them.

“In that case, then I just need to kill them.” The leader firmly stated, hands above the table, lock one with each other to support his chin.

‘Them’ that he said before probably refer to you along with Sanzu, Ran, and maybe Kakucho too.


"Psst psst, are you Ran's twin or something?"

Kakucho presented some stuff you didn't understand at all for more than thirty minutes, boredom start hitting your nerve so you just decided to annoy them, add some more fun, started from the nearest one who sit besides you and fully paying attention to Kakucho.

"Psst hey." you whispered while poking his arm since he just keep silent.

Though you're the one who supposed to annoy him yet now you're the one who get annoyed. He really didn't react anything at all. A smart idea popped up from your brain, you slightly blew your breath, aiming to his neck with the intention to teasing him, as a respond he's flinched a little, side-eyeing you with 'wtf' expression draw on his face.

"I was asking you, are you Ran's twin or something?"

"I'm his younger brother."Finally let out an answer, you slightly smile then formed an 'O' shape in your mouth.

"What was your name again?" You annoy him more.


"Now Rindou, did you know who hurt Ran until he got serious injured like that?"

"Boss beaten him up because-"


He clicked his tongue because of your stupidity now all of the attention was on you. Standing up and slam the table, your right index finger now pointing to Mikey.

"You! Why did you hurt-"


As if the air was suddenly vanish from all over the room make you can't breathe. Your whole body goes numb while cold sweat never stops falling. Probably the times was also stop too, because no one dares to move even an inch like they were get paused for a second. A drop of red liquid flows from your cheek, as now you finally can move your trembling hand, touching the source of the liquid and hissed in pain.

He shot you.

Make a slice of wound in your cheeks.

His eyes starring at yours, his dead gaze are worse than before, probably he already kill you for 10 times in 10 different way on his mind, because he was angry as fuck. Your knees get weaken as a result, almost falling but Rindou catch you upand manage you to back to your seat.

"Rindou did you pay attention?" Mikey firmly ask.

"Yes boss."

Without questioning any further, Mikey signs Kakucho to continue the presentation, leaving you alonewith your own pain. The wound still bleeding although you're already cover it with your hands and you feel like you're gonna catch a cold. This is the first time you get shot of course, now you know that it was hurt as hell. Some of the executives are worried about you but they can't do anything if they want to alive, until the ciggaretes addict spoke,

"Boss, I think she must got treatment."

Now Mikey deadly gaze back into you, still can't read what inside that deep mind of his, probably considering what was his advisor said.

"Go. Treat yourself. Ifyou still here in the count of three, I'll shot you death."

That fucker surely was no help at all. How can you out from this big room while in pain only in three second?


You still didn't move at all, ready to accept the faith that you're gonna die soon.


Your tears started to flow, both eyes closed topreparedyour mental.


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