Lucifer had forgotten she was even there. Again, there were more pressing matters at hand. She was just an obstruction to his end goal. It seemed likely that she would tend to get in the way of a lot of things, especially if he didn't cut her loose.

Temperamental didn't begin to describe what Lucifer was feeling. He was overly annoyed, high on adrenaline, and angered that a solution had not come as quickly as he hoped.

"Give us a minute." Lucifer turned back to Remiel, bringing the recorder into view.

The trapped angel eyed the small, black device. "What's that?"

A corner of Lucifer's lips tugged into a simper. "If I played it for you, I wouldn't have any leverage."

It took only a second for Remiel to realize what that meant. "It's a confession."

"Yes." Lucifer slipped the recorder into his back pocket.

That was all Remiel needed to agree. "Fine. I'll do it."

"Perfect. Now can someone please explain to me what the hell is going on, and why the fuck I can't see." Y/n arched an eyebrow, not moving from the corner of the room she stood in. "I know you two are into some satanic shit, so do whatever you have to do and abracadabra me all better."

Remiel spoke to Lucifer in a whisper. "I understand now why she chose to stay, but she's a bit naive. She has no idea who you are, does she?"

"Even if she did, she'd probably mouth us off anyway."

"Just 'cause I'm temporarily blind doesn't mean I can't hear you."

Lucifer refrained himself from sealing the woman's lips shut, but every time she opened them to talk, he was tempted to do just that. Instead, he motioned Remiel to her. "Heal her."

"That wasn't part of our deal."

"You won't leave her like that," Lucifer countered with a chortle. He knew Remiel and the other angels lived by a code. Even if he didn't want to do it, he had to.

Gray was an innocent bystander who put herself in a situation she had not fully comprehended. Had she known, to it's full extent, the consequences her actions would've lead to, she likely would not be there at that moment.

Or, perhaps, her unwavering devotion to that cheating friend of hers wouldn't have altered the timeline. She'd have stayed anyway and dealt with the aftermath by babbling. It was probably an outlet for her anxiety. Lucifer couldn't imagine why someone would purposefully talk so much.

"I tire of hearing her voice. If you don't heal her, there are other ways to shut her up." Lucifer wasn't above killing someone with his own hands in lieu of his powers. He would do it if necessary.

Remiel didn't argue any further as he trudged in her direction, coming to stand in front of her. He lifted a hand to rest atop her head and closed his eyes in concentration.

A light similar to the one he produced when he was summoned emitted from her eyes, though more faint. Not a single word of Enochian was spoken as the golden glow ridded the cloudiness until Lucifer could pinpoint each fleck of brown in her otherwise gray eyes.

"Thank God. Had me worried for a second." She blinked a couple times, her vision having fully returned. "So, are we done here? I'd like the recording back."

Lucifer glowered, not the least bit amused. "You still don't seem to understand the severity of the situation."

"I think I understand just fine," Gray eyes rebutted. "I just don't care."

Remiel, on the other hand, laughed, but Lucifer didn't find what she said all that humourous.

"She's basically you, Lucifer."

"Don't insult me." So close to relenting any patience he had left, Lucifer was barely able to control his temper.

This was not going according to plan. He knew it wouldn't be followed perfectly, but it was getting out of hand. There were variables he didn't even think to consider, like Gray. She nudged herself in, creating far too many distractions. Worse, she actually thought she would make it out unscathed if she continued to belittle him.

That didn't mean he was going to pummel her. It wouldn't nearly be as satisfying as corrupting her. Her priggish personality could use a little sinning, and he knew just what kind of immorality to tempt her with. If she was going to protect that friend of hers, then he should educate her.

"Until I get my grace back, this recording stays with me." Lucifer sauntered towards her, getting much closer than Remiel did.

He tilted his head to hers, noses only a centimeter from touching, so she could get a real good look of who she was going up against.

Unlike the dull color of her eyes, his dark ones were rimmed in an intense red.

"Get comfortable, Y/n, because you're not going anywhere."

a/n: two months is way too long to update, i know. i want to update more often. hopefully, i'll get the chance to write more. starting next chapter, lucifer will begin being called namjoon. not that anyone would believe that he was the devil lol but can never be too safe. so what are your thoughts on lucifer/namjoon, remiel, and yourself? i can't wait for the next chapters ;)

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