Sleeping together

Start from the beginning

Bai Ye felt confused as he watches her eyes turned misty and the corner of her lips tilting down into an obvious frown. He reached out to her and pulled her into his embrace, holding her tightly and refused to let go when she half heartedly tried to struggle.

"What is going through your mind, let me know," he asked her as he gently swayed her.

"If time slows down for you, then I will age normally while you will stay young. My body will age, and you will..." she said, stopping at the last part and not sure how to say it.

"Will what?" he asked.

"Will be strayed by other younger and beautiful women and you will despise me," she said, voicing the painful thoughts in her heart and fearing that history would repeat itself. 

Shu Mei felt like a knife had been plunged into the depths of her heart and cruelly twisted at the thought of having to share her Bai Ye with another woman.

"Shu Mei, I am not like that, please do not insult my heart and trample on my love for you by thinking in this way. You are the only woman I love, if I need to dig out my heart to show you and that is what you require to be at ease then I will gladly do so," he said seriously with a deep sigh.

Shu Mei felt comfortable in his arms and tired at the same time, the conflicting emotions inside her heart battled with the tiredness and sleepiness she is feeling. This conversation is too deep for her brain to process at such a late hour and all she wanted to do is to sleep with Bai Ye by her side.

"I am sorry. I just have problems that I need to work through but let's sleep so that I can think clearly tomorrow," she said gently.

"My dear, we can talk when you are ready, be it tomorrow or in ten year or in fifty years, I do not care, as long as you open up to me one day," he said softly.

Those sweet like honey words warmed up Shu Mei's heart and lessened the pain of jealousy and insecurity she had been feeling.

"Your mouth has gotten sweeter since we last met," she said jokingly while untying his belt to help him get into the sleeping clothes.

Bai Ye's hands stopped her abruptly making her look up in surprise.

"Don't... I can do it myself, go to bed first and I'll see you in the morning. I will sleep on the couch here," he said huskily.

"I'm just helping you so that it would be quicker, also, stay on the bed with me, it is more comfortable and nothing with happen anyways," she said, adding in her head that nothing will happen because he seems so conservative and she needs to respect that. 

Even though she is an untouched virgin in this life, but she is an experienced aunty in the last life, so Shu Mei didn't have any qualms with sharing a bed with the man she likes.

"No, I can't ruin your reputation, you are too precious and deserve only the best. Right now, I am not feeling quite right, if you continue to help me then it is just playing with fire," he said slowly.

Hearing those words washed away the sleepiness that she was starting to feel, and she looked him up and down mischievously. Ignoring the man's words, Shu Mei moved her hands to open his outer dress revealing a scene that dazzled her eyes and made her hot all over.

Shu Mei's eyes lingered over his broad and defined chest muscles which she knew is hard as stone by having had her face smashed against it many times today. Her fingers naughtily moved the fabric off his shoulders letting it fall to the ground soundlessly.

She took a deep breath in and gulped hard, his shoulders and well-defined arms are worthy of a martial arts elite. Even the stump on his right shoulder has healed beautiful and the missing limb did not detract from his sexy body. 

Her eyes greedily drifted down past his chest to those well-defined ab lines, it looked so hard and taunt that she could possibly smash stone against it and he would be fine. Her face flushed bright red when she saw the v shape at his hip line, which was partially hidden by the white trousers and the large tent that had formed beneath the v line.

It took every ounce of Bai Ye's self-control for him to resist the urge to pull her closer and rip the thin silky cloth that barely hides her body.

Shu Mei felt an overwhelming desire to release the trousers from his body, her imagination went leaps and bounds ahead of the situation. Just imagining the large and hard desire between his legs is already making her nose start to bleed. 

When she felt the warm liquid trickle down her nose, she quickly covered it with a handkerchief, flushing in embarrassment and shame. 

Bai Ye watched her amusement and started to laugh heartedly. 

Shu Mei frowned and started to get angry at his laughter and inaction. She is still a girl after all, she has already done so much, and he is still not moving?

Bai Ye's body is on fire, he doubts that even if he jumped into a frozen pond in the middle of winter that it could cool this burning heat down. But he resisted, allowing himself to laugh and distract himself. 

Ignoring his laughter, she decided to tease him abit more as revenge. Yes, she can be petty. 

Grabbing the new silk sleeping dress, she carefully dressed him without breaking eye contact and her face fixed in the roguish smile. The lovely tent in front of her reassured her that he was still interested. Then she held his hand and led him towards her own bed. He gulped hard when she raised one finger and pressed hard against his chest, pushing him down onto the bed.

He obediently moved his body and sat down, not daring to make a sound or break eye contact with this flirtatious goddess before him. Leaning back on both hands in an innocent but seductive pose he looked up at her with a pair of playful eyes while holding his breath in anticipation. The silky sleeping dress draped over his muscular body, showing up every hardness and alluring shape of the well-built man.

"Go to sleep," she said cheekily and flashing him a wide smile before plonking herself on the bed next to him.

Bai Ye sat there blankly when he saw her quickly cover herself with the blanket and closed her eyes, mercilessly ignoring him. He chuckled when he realised that he has been played, she had teased him so thoroughly and now left him hanging with a hard desire.

He silently laid down next to her and watched her smile slowly fade while her breaths steadied into a slow rhythm. Bai Ye smiled indulgently at the heartless girl sleeping next to him while he waits for his painful desire to calm down and thanked the gods for being able to be beside her. 

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