55_ betrayed

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Ed awoke the next day on the stone ground, jolting up when she remembered what was going on. She had no idea what time it was, but had a feeling they would be sending dementors after her any minute.

I have to find a way out of here, she thought.

Grabbing her wand, she cast more spells again, but this time she tried to wear down the enchantments.

"Finite Incantatem, Surgito, Riverte..." she muttered.

It seemed that no spells were able to work inside the cell, which meant apparating was also out. She sighed and kicked the door when that didn't work, rattling the lock and the bars against the wall.

The lock, she realized.

Why didn't I think of that earlier?

She dug through her bag to find something—anything—that was small enough to pick it.

Ed finally pulled out a paperclip from one of her books, bending it strategically.

Putting her arm through the rusted bars, she tried to find the latch in the doorknob that would set her free.

When she was little, her brothers used to lock her out of her own room, so she figured out how to pick the locks. Over the years it came more and more easily to her, but there wasn't much use for it at Hogwarts.

Turns out the Ministry locks were much more complicated than her old house, but this was her only way out.

"Come on," she mumbled, angling her wrist just slightly.

She worked at it for half an hour, until finally she heard the distinguishable click.


She opened the door as quietly as she could, but there was a loud creak, causing her to hold her breath.

She soon continued on her way, trying to remember how to get out, but it was too late.

Ice crept up the walls and a chilling breeze swept through the corridor, causing her to shiver.

She knew the feeling too well—it was the exact same one on the Hogwarts Express years ago.

Even though she knew a dementor was nearby, she kept going, hoping there was a slight chance of escaping it.

Her footsteps echoed on the stone floor as she ran past the cells, but she stopped when she came to a clearing.

Ed was relieved when she recognized where she was—it had to be close to where her trial was.

She seemed to have lost the dementor as well and was very thankful for that.

Just then, a black floating figure swooped in front of her and grabbed her neck, breathing the life out of her.

She choked under its grasp, becoming limp and more depressed by the second.

She could feel every good memory being extracted from her body—every moment of laughter with her friends and family—all except for one.

It was Draco smiling at her, like nothing in the world mattered but the two of them.

The way his eyes lit up when he looked at her was like the sun itself warming the coldness inside her heart.

She was too weak to do anything as she felt the life being sucked out of her, but just as her soul touched the dementor's lips, a spell came out of her wand in her hand, casting a beautiful blue animal that resembled a chestnut mare.

It chased the dark creature far away, leaving Ed weak on the floor.

She was exhausted and wanted to just lay there forever. Her body wouldn't move and she was flashing in and out of consciousness.

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