28_ triwizard tournament

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"It has been reported that after the Quidditch World Cup, the Dark Mark was cast over the night sky after much harm and destruction was done. The Ministry of Magic is administering further investigations on those suspected of participating in this conspiracy. For more information, visit page 3..." Ed read out loud as she and Malorie tried to find a seat on the Hogwarts Express.

"It sounds terrible," Ed gasped.

"I'm so glad we left early," Malorie added.

"Me too, my parents were shocked about how close we were to being a part of what happened."

Although neither of them said it, both Ed and Malorie knew how lucky they were, especially because neither of Ed's parents used magic. Well, Ed's mother was a witch, but she left Hogwarts when she was young and became part of the muggle world. 

Ed continued reading, in fact she was so focused on the rest of the article that she barely noticed two tall, red-headed twins walking their way and bumped into one of them.

"Excuse us, ladies," they said with a smile.

"Oh, sorry," Ed apologized.

Ed and Malorie then smiled back and tried their hardest not to make the situation awkward while they squeezed pass them in the narrow isle.

Perhaps the Weasleys were only being nice because they weren't wearing their Slytherin uniforms...

"Everywhere is full," Malorie complained as she peered into a compartment.

"Lets check the back, just to make sure," Ed suggested.

They headed to the back, but sure enough, there weren't any empty compartments.

"I guess we could just sit with Malfoy," said Ed.

Malorie gave her a look saying she knew exactly what Ed was onto.

"Oh, shut up, there's nowhere else anyways," she said as she opened up the door.

"They were pathetic, hiding in the forest. It's not like they wouldn't have been able to find the mudblood anyways-" Malfoy abruptly stopped talking to Crabbe and Goyle.

"Can we sit here?" Ed asked.

"Fine with me," Malfoy agreed.

"...We saw him right up close, we were in the Top Box!" Someone said from the next compartment over (Ed forgot to shut the door, so they heard everything).

"For the first and last time in your life, Weasley," Malfoy stood up and peered into the trio's compartment.

"Don't remember asking you to join us, Malfoy," Harry said coldly.

"Weasley, what is that?" Malfoy said, disgusted, once he noticed the robes draped on the seat.

"Look at this! You weren't thinking of of wearing these, were you? I mean, they were very fashionable in about 1890..." he snickered.

Ed laughed too, they were hideous robes.

"Eat dung, Malfoy!" Ron yelled.

"So... going to enter, Weasley? Going to try and bring glory to the family name? There's money involved as well, you'd be able to afford some decent robes if you won," said Malfoy.

"What are you talking about?" Ron asked, confused.

"Are you going to enter? I suppose you will, Potter? You never miss a chance to show off, do you?"

"Either explain what you're on about or go away," Hermione demanded.

Ed looked into the trios compartment and caught Hermione's eye, trying to apologize about Malfoy.

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