56_ unbreakable vow

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Draco ran his fingers through his hair, pacing in his bedroom. The rug was worn from doing so lately, it's usual dark color reduced to a pale forest green.

He had been looking all over England for the girl he loved, but she was nowhere to be found.

He would have willing kept searching for Ed, but he had to go back to the Manor for the winter holidays, otherwise his parents would've been suspicious.

What if she's dea-

No, she can't be.

He let out a sigh as he leaded his head back against the wall. He barely even slept anymore; he worried about her every night.

"Don't leave me," he whispered.

This was all his fault, he failed her. He was supposed to protect her, but Snatchers took her right in Hogsmeade.

Instead of looking after her, he was sulking in his room that day.

I'm so stupid, god knows what those Snatchers did to her. I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry... so sorry Ed.

But he was running out of actions to take. There weren't many people he could trust anymore, either.

It was tearing him up inside, like his heart was being ripped out of his body. He wouldn't rest until he knew she was okay, and they would pay if she wasn't.

I'll kill every last one of them that put their filthy hands on her.

Little did he know, she was just downstairs.


Ed's eyes fluttered open once the poison wore off, only to find herself in a large room and tied up by an invisible force.

It felt like ropes burning her skin, and it was so tight that it was nearly suffocating her.

"Well, well, Sleeping Beauty is finally awake!" Bellatrix cackled.

Ed's eyes widened in fear when she saw the lunatic inches away from her face.

When Bellatrix backed away, Ed finally realized where she was—the Malfoy Manor. Nott must have apparated her here when she was unconscious.

Draco, she realized.

It was after Christmas, and she knew he would be home for the holidays.

Please, please help me Draco.

She couldn't even imagine what it was like living with the Death Eaters and You-Know-Who, it didn't even cross her mind that this was where they were staying.

"Ah, you're awake," said Yaxley.

"Let's get right to it, shall we?" Another man asked.

"We know you're helping Potter, we just need you to tell us where he is," he stated simply, like lives were not at stake.

"I don't know," Ed replied, trying her best to keep her voice from shaking.

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