32_ halfblood secrets

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After the first task, many things went back to normal.

Well, as normal as Hogwarts would get.

For Hagrid, this meant observing the blast-ended skrewts.

"Before we get started, I was hopin' you'd come down every other evening. They've been growin' an' I don't want you ter miss it," he announced.

Ed wasn't sure they could grow any more—they were already at least 6 feet long .

"I will not," Malfoy protested.

"I see enough of these foul things during lessons, thanks."

"Yeh'll do wha' yet told, or I'll be takin' a leaf outta Professor Moody's book. I heard yeh made a good ferret, Malfoy," said Hagrid, with a confidence that he didn't usually have.

The Gryffindors all laughed, but Malfoy went red.

"Alrigh' then, I'm not sure whether they hibernate or not, so we'll jus' settle them in these boxes," Hagrid continued.

The class tried putting them into the boxes, but the blast-ended skrewts didn't seem happy about this and started to destroy the pumpkin patch.

"I'm done with this!" Malfoy yelled as the creatures got closer.

Crabbe and Goyle followed close behind, along with the rest of the class.

"Koldings, come on!" Malfoy shouted when he realized she wasn't behind him.

She ran forward with her friends.

"In here," said Malfoy as he opened the back door to Hagrid's Hut for her.

As Ed walked through the door, her hand slightly brushed Malfoy's.

Although she couldn't tell if he noticed or not, she couldn't help but feel thousands of butterflies in her stomach.

"What a nightmare," Malfoy muttered once everyone was inside.

"That was terrible," Ed agreed.

"Who's that over there?" She asked as she leaned against the window still.

The rest of her friends crammed to see out the window as well.

"Rita Skeeter, she writes for the Daily Prophet. My Aunt works with her, but she hates her." Malorie answered.

"I can already see why," Ed commented.

She was wearing a big magenta coat with fur and had a crocodile skin purse.

"Hey, Lance, do you know what that Skeeter lady is doing here?" Ed asked.

Lance then left Nott and Zabini and made his way over.

"No idea. Maybe for the tournament?" He responded.

"Hopefully she's getting Hagrid fired," said Malfoy.

Ed tried to give him a disapproving look, but his smirk only made her smile.

Once it was safe enough, everyone made their way out of the hut.

"Oooh, another young love story. First Mr. Potter and Miss Granger, and now you two!" Rita Skeeter said excitedly as she walked over to Malfoy and Ed.

"I'm sorry, what?" Ed asked as politely as she could.

"I'll give you information about Hagrid, but nothing more," Malfoy retorted.

"Oh, a secret romance," she winked.

"N- no. Now if you want anything more about Hagrid, I suggest you leave us alone," he insisted.

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