The Days Before Harryween

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"Darling, I've sewn multiple costumes for my kids, I'm sure some gold lace and ribbon won't hurt." Anne assured me. "Plus, I'm sure with all the dancing and all the bodies surrounding you it'll get hot."

"Mum's right once again. Let's do this." Gem didn't give me a chance to speak because she raced up the stairs into her old room.

"Wait! Gem, come back!" Anne exclaimed. I looked at her confused and she just shook her head at me in disappointment. Gem came down the stairs and gave her mum the same look I had. "Are you girls daft? There's 2 nights to this. Meaning Y/N would need another costume." Anne laughed at the faces we made when we realized that we weren't done at all.


Damn it, Harry.

"Oh, bloody hell. I forgot. I got too excited." Gem huffed as she sat back in her chair. "Back to square one."

"Be Dorothy? Don't you love her?" Anne suggested.

"Actually, that's a great idea. I do love Dorothy, I can text my mom and ask her if she still has my highschool costume."

"That sounds great. While you text your mum. I can look for something in my closet."

Me: Hi, mom. Did you still have my Dorothy costume from highschool?

Mom: Hi, baby girl. I think it's in the garage with your other costumes.

Mom: Do you need it?

Me: Yes, please. Harry's having his Harryween show and I need a costume.

Mom: I'll have your dad look for it. Do you need the ruby shoes as well?

Me: Yes, please. Thank you, mommy. I love you.

Mom: I love you too, baby. See you soon.

"My dad will dig around in the garage for it. We've never thrown away any of the costumes so I'm sure it's still there." I smiled at Anne.

"That's good, darling. At least we can focus on your Aphrodite costume. Do you know what Harry's going to be?"

"I actually don't, I've never asked him. Do you?" I replied.

"I don't. That cheeky boy won't tell me. He says it's better for it to be a secret. Who knows what that boy has planned."

"He's full of surprises."

"That he is."


"Y/N! I'm right here!" I turned towards the familiar British accent and saw Harry waving his hands like crazy. My two legs suddenly run up to him at full speed and he catches me, spinning me around. "I've missed you so much, baby."

"I've missed you more, H." I nuzzled my face in his neck and inhaled his sweet vanilla scent.

"Wait, before we go. These are for you." I took my face out of his neck and saw that he was holding a pretty bouquet of flowers. (Insta Story).

"That's so sweet, H. I love them. Thank you." I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him hard.

"We have to go, babe. People will see us." Harry and I headed towards the black SUV, hoping there weren't any paparazzi around. (Insta Story).

"Do you want to go to our apartment?"

"Yeah, that's fine. I've been dying to have some cuddles." I replied.

Harry smiled down at me, grabbed my waist and pulled me in closer to him.


"Don't go, baby." Harry begged from the bed.

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