31. Anything You Want

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It'd been five days of gentle sun, turquoise water, delicious food, and we spent each second of those days together

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It'd been five days of gentle sun, turquoise water, delicious food, and we spent each second of those days together.

"Time to turn over." Jim's palm squeezed my backside, and I rolled onto my back, stretching.


A grin tugged at his lips. "I love both views. The front and the back. But there's something about these I find irresistible."

My cheeks warmed when Jim's fingertips skated over my breasts. I lifted my head off the towel to scan my surroundings and make sure nobody was looking. That the beach wasn't crowded couldn't lure us into a false state of security. My boyfriend was famous even here, and we'd run into quite a few of his fans in Mallorca. Not that it spoiled our vacation - we were too busy paying attention to each other to focus on anyone else.

"I was thinking about something," Jim said, his hand shifting until his fingers grazed my belly. He moved them in circles, dusting off the sand that clung to my skin.

"About what?"

"About what's next. Like, okay, there's our second album. But then what?"

"So, you were thinking about work when my - and your - hot little furnace is inches away. Alright."

"Jesus." Jim sighed. "That's the reason I'm thinking about music because if I don't, paps will have pictures of my - your - sword of desire proudly standing against the backdrop of the Mediterranean sea."

I giggled, cupping Jim's cheek. "I'm sorry. I didn't think you were so needy."

Jim narrowed his eyes, looking at me from his side of the giant towel we spread on the sand to have enough space. "Are you complaining?"

"Never. But tell me what's next."

"If you come here."

"And the paps?"

"Fuck the paps."

I sat up and crawled toward him, and as soon as I was by Jim's side, he tugged at my hand, making me fall on top of his hard, warm body. His skin was sunkissed now, and his green eyes sparkled even more than usual against his tanned face.

He wrapped me in his arms and brushed a small strand that escaped my messy bun out of my forehead. "We might go on tour once the album is out. I'm not sure for how long or even where."

"I figured you would," I said, sliding an arm under his neck. "I'll miss you."

"It's not going to happen soon. Okay? I was just thinking, and-"

"It's okay." I pressed my lips to his. "You took two weeks off so we can be together. Once we're back, I know things will change."

"You'll also be busy with your classes."

And I felt equal parts excitement and nerves. I wanted to know what being a college student was like, but adjusting to a new routine could be daunting.

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