5. The Attention

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I wanted to get laid

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I wanted to get laid.

I also needed to stop drinking and drunk-texting Cute Little Thing because alcohol aided Jim Junior in taking over my brain, and, judging by my last text to Ava, my fingers.

I told her I wanted to fuck her hard and fell asleep. I also hoped she would use the imagery in our latest music video to think about me with her hands. That one time on the phone was fire, but if I called her and said I wanted to touch myself while listening to her voice, it wouldn’t be cute. It’d probably be crass verging on pervy.

Not that I could touch anything in Kennedy’s apartment, anyway. It was small, and someone was always there, be it Kennedy, Ellie, Blondie, or Lover Boy. Sometimes, all of them.

I leaned back in the chair on the terrace of the cafe I chose to wait for Kennedy and took a sip of my third coffee. We were going to the gym when Aiden and Liam finished work. Kennedy said I could work out in peace there because the owner was his friend, and I was grateful for the chance to relax and burn some of my frustration.

My phone vibrated on the round table. A groan pushed past my lips when I saw the caller’s ID.


“Well done, Jimmy boy. It was hot, pure fire. Watch Fire and Rain become number one in the charts by the weekend.”

I rolled my eyes. “Thanks. We tried.”

“The fangirls are going crazy. I already arranged promo stuff, and a live talk show on Channel One wants to interview the band when you’re back. I’ll send you the agenda.”

“‘kay. Anything else?”

“Nothing for now. Relax.”

We hung up. That the fucker insisted on calling me and not Andre drove me nuts. It was as if he couldn’t go a week without talking to me. I was about to expose his niece to him more than once, but it’d direct his attention to Ava, and I’d do anything to avoid that.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, man.” Kennedy stood by my side, shielding his eyes from the afternoon sun with his palm. “Ready?”

I jumped to my feet. “More than. And Lover Boy?”

“In the car. Jeff’s waiting at the gym,” Aiden said as we strolled to the underground garage in his business center.

“Listen, Kennedy.” I scratched the back of my head.

Aiden’s dark eyes studied me. “Yeah?”

“I need to be done with the workout by eight p.m.”

“Sure. Why?”

“Have somewhere to be. Can you accompany me? I’d go alone, but I don’t know the area well.”

“Done.” Aiden nodded. “Let’s go.”

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