Chapter 18: The Big Day

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Sorry, it took me so long to write. I had so many ideas for other fanfics that I had no motivation to finish this one. Hopefully, this isn't too blunt of an ending for this fic. I promised you an after story but I won't get to it until after either my xiao x reader modern-day love story or my Kazuha x reader novel. Both of these are aimed at female readers, and I'm mainly writing them since I'm a simp and am female passing, as well as not very good at writing male x male stories. Hope you enjoy the wedding! As a side note, you're featured in this wedding as your own genshin character!

"Wake up!"
Slowly opening her eyes, Lumine hears a familiar voice attempting to wake her. "Venti!?!?"
Her eyes widen in shock as she stares at her close friend from Mondstat. "I thought you were too busy!?"
"Are you kidding! I wouldn't miss your big day for the life of me!"
Lumine lets out a huge smile and gives venti a large hug. Just then the door opens and Zhongli walks in. "I respect your reunion but there is so much to do!"
"Yes, that is indeed true."
Lumine watches as Ningguang walks in from behind Zhongli. "A little birdie told me you had to settle for a dress you weren't huge on because you were short on mora."
"So you can take this as a wedding gift from me."
Ningguang gently lifts up the dress of Lumines dreams and shows it off. "You did not."
Lumine runs in shock over and takes the dress inspecting it not believing her eyes. "Ningguang this was 2 million mora!?!?!? You shouldn't have!"
"But I did. So everyone out."
Ningguang kicks everyone out and helps Lumine slide into her dress. Lumine walks over to the vanity and sits. She can't believe this day has finally come. She thought she was prepared and ready for this day but now that it has actually come she's shaking with fear. Lumine sits there quietly trying to calm her nerves while Ningguang does her hair. "Have you chosen all your items?"
"Oh! Yes, here they are."
Lumine grabs a few items from her bag. "For something old I have the hairclip from when I was younger."
"For something borrowed I have your bracelet."
"For something blue, I have my Saphire earrings."
"And finally for something new I have my new heels."
Lumine lays out all the items on the desk. "Lumine are you having last-minute nerves?"
Ningguang reaches and gently holds her hand. "Lumine, everything is going to be okay.
Lumine hears a knock on the door. "Come in!"
"Hello, y/n."
"Hey, I just came to let you know we are starting."
You watch as Lumine nods her head. "We are ready you should get to your seat."
You run off back to your seat and wait for the wedding to begin. 

Xiao stands tall at the end of the aisle. He is generally good at hiding his fear but at this moment he was struggling. He watches Qiqi and Klee walk down the aisle tossing flowers everywhere. Just as Xiao feels he can't do this he watches as Lumine peeks around the corner.

He stares at her mesmerized as her long train flows in the cool breeze and her soft golden hair reflects in the sunlight

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He stares at her mesmerized as her long train flows in the cool breeze and her soft golden hair reflects in the sunlight. And this is when he remembers why he was here, at the end of the aisle as the love of his life walks down. (I HAVE NOT BEEN TO A WEDDING SO THIS PART IS GONNA BE KINDA BAD)
Lumine walks up and stands across from Xiao with a bright smile on her face. She watches as a slight smile appears on his face.

(I don't know how a wedding goes so let's just skip to the vows)Lumine opens her mouth to say her wedding vows but is quickly cut off by Xiao

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(I don't know how a wedding goes so let's just skip to the vows)
Lumine opens her mouth to say her wedding vows but is quickly cut off by Xiao. "Wait."
"What is it, Xiao?"
"Somethings not right."
"N-Nevermind, sorry to interrupt you, Lumine."
"Xiao ever since I've met you I have felt that you were the one."
"When I was knocked off that cliff and you saved me I had felt it was fate."
"Then that moment we had up in the tree was the day I knew I had feelings for you and only you."
"And then the day you..."
Lumine pauses for a moment to try and stop the tears from dripping down her face. "The day I found your stone-cold body lying on the floor I thought I had lost you."
"I swear to love you, care for you, and share many more moments in my life with you."
Lumine takes a breath having finished her vows. Xiao reaches for her delicate hands and holds them in his rough hands. "Lumine since the day we met I have been thinking about you."
"Every time I saw a couple laughing and having fun I had wished that was me and you."
"I can't bear the thought of losing you."
"And that is the reason we are standing here."
"I swear to always protect you. Whether I'm protecting you from the nightmares that haunt you, or the monsters that roam the world."
"I will always be by your side."
The two stand silently hand in hand. Staring deeply into the eyes of each other. "You may now kiss."
Xiao and Lumine lean in to kiss. But Xiao hears a sound and quickly wraps his arms around Lumine and turns to block a shot from an arrow. Xiao grunts in pain but doesn't release Lumine. "Xiao!? Are you okay!?"
"I'll be fine, but he won't."
Xiao turns to glare at a certain blue-eyed fatui at the opposite end of the aisle. "You didn't think I'd actually give up did you?"
Childe walks slowly down the aisle water blades in hand. "What do you want Childe?"
Xiao says firmly as he draws his spear. "Xiao be careful!"
"I want your wife."
"Well, you can't just have her. She's not an object like your little fatui workers."
Childe laughs walking closer to Xiao. "It's not up to you."
"No it's not but it's up to me to protect her."
Xiao uses his quick travel appearing right behind Childe. "So fight me. Give me all you got!"
Xiao slashes at Childe but he quickly blocks it. Childe throws a blade in Xiao's direction but misses due to Xiao's teleportation ability. Xiao appears behind Childe but gets hit by an arrow. "Using the same tactics isn't the brightest idea."
He hears Lumine yelp from the sidelines. "You'd better shut your mouth."
Xiao puts his mask on charges through Childe. "Looks like the Adeptus is getting serious."
Xiao growls in anger at the Fatui and jumps into the air. "I shall show you no mercy."
The young Adeptus yells before plunging down releasing anemo energy everywhere. Strong winds blow from the attack making it hard for everyone to stand. Xiao drops to his knees having finished the enemy. Lumine yells Xiao's name while running toward Xiao. She trips on the carpet laid out and lets out a quiet shriek. Per usual she doesn't hit the ground and now has the love of her life wrapping his arms around her. "Don't worry about me I'm fine just a few cuts and scratches."
"Now where did we leave off?"
Xiao smiles as he grabs Lumine's waist and dips her back. He leans in and gives her their last kiss as boyfriend and girlfriend and their first kiss as husband and wife.

OMG, I'M SO SORRY FOR THE SLOPPY WRITING BUT HERE YOU GO HOPE YOU LIKE IT I'M GONNA CRY BC IT TOOK ME SOOOOOO LONG TO WRITE THIS. You guys should check out my other fanfics when they are released bc there is A LOT coming up. ALTERNATE ENDING COMING SOON. There isn't really much to say other than that. XOXO-Maple

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