Chapter 12: Zhongli!?

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Tw: mentioning of sex
Writers Note: Just wanted to let you know that all of the chapters have been updated. A big thank you to NoireBug for letting me know of any grammar mistakes I had made!

Lumine looks at Xiao shocked. Xiao gives her a shy smile. "It's now or never."
Xiao thinks to himself. He quickly leans in close to Lumine and kisses her on the lips. Lumine is surprised by this action, but she doesn't dare stop him. She wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him back.

 She wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him back

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"Xiao, Miss Lumine? There you two are."
Xiao jumps and gets off of Lumine. Lumine releases Xiao from her grasp. "Z-Z-Zhongli!?"
"It-It-It's not what it looks like!"
"No, no, no, you don't need to explain, Miss Lumine. I understand perfectly."
"Anyways it's not too smart to do that on a beach."
"We were not going to!"
"Yeah, we were just-just."
"You were just what Xiao?"
Xiao mumbles under his breath. "What did you say, Xiao?"
"We were just K-K-Kissing."
"That's how it starts but not how it ends."
Lumine wipes a lipstick mark off of xiao's cheek. Zhongli chuckles and turns around. "Xiao, it's time."
Lumine's face drops. "Xiao, what is he talking about."
He looks to the side sadly. Lumine grabs his shirt and pulls him close. "Xiao! Don't ignore me! I care for your safety, and love you very much! So what is he talking about?"
Xiao sighs and embraces Lumine. "I have to go through a surgery, that I might not survive."
"Xiao, you're not doing it!"
"But Lumine I have no choice!"
"I don't care! I can't lose you! L-Like I lost...N-Never mind."
"Like you lost Aether?"
Lumine starts crying. "I just can't lose you!"
"I'm sorry but I have to do it."

"I love you."

Xiao lets go of Lumine and pushes her away, knocking her to the ground. Xiao runs off to the hospital, leaving Lumine on the ground crying. "I'm sorry Lumine."
"Qiqi, remembers Xiao."
"Is Xiao ready for surgery?"
Xiao nods his head and lays on the hospital bed. Qiqi starts the surgery.

Xiao opens his eyes. "Xiao!"
"Xiao it's me!"
Xiao jerks up and watches as Lumine flops on his lap, carefully avoiding the tubes in his stomach. "Lumine, I'm sorry I pushed you! And I'm sorry I ran off!"
Paimon looks at Lumine and Xiao. "Yeah, I'm gonna go now. I don't wanna watch this C-Drama!"
The little fairy floats away followed by everyone else in the room. Lumine climbs onto the bed and kisses Xiao on the forehead. "Xiao, how are you feeling? Do you need anything? Do-"
"Lumine. It's okay. I'm fine."
"A-Are you sure?"
Xiao nods his head and smiles. "I will be out of the hospital in two weeks."
"That's great!"
Lumine hugs Xiao tightly while avoiding his healing wound. "I really am glad you are safe."
"S-Sorry for not understanding earlier what you had to do."
Xiao hugs Lumine back and smiles. "It's okay! I most likely would have acted the same way."
"Miss Lumine, it's time for you to leave. Xiao needs rest."
Lumine kisses Xiao on the cheek and runs past Zhongli and leaves the room, with Zhongli following her. "Wait, Zhongli?"
"C-Can you take care of her while I'm gone?"
Zhongli nods his head and walks out.

Its been almost 2 weeks since Xiao had his surgery. I had gotten so used to Xiao's help, that now. It was strange working on my own. I wait and wait for him to back me up but when I turn around he's not there. I wait and wait for a soft kiss on my cheek in the morning. But there's nothing. I drive myself crazy thinking about him. "One more day."
 Is all I can think. "One more day, until I know he's safe."
"One more day, until I can hug him and kiss him again."
"One more day, until I can hold his hand and tell him how much I love him."
Lumine sits in the tree and stares down at the spot where she had first met Xiao. "I'm back!"
Paimon floats over with some Grilled Tiger Fish, and hands one to Lumine. "Thinking about Xiao again?"
Lumine nods her head. "Hey cheer up! One more day until he is out of the hospital!"
Lumine smiles at her friend as she finishes off her food.  "It's getting late, Paimon's heading to bed! Night!" 
Lumine lays back in the tree and closes her eyes.

"Thank you for your healing, Qiqi."
Xiao leaves the hospital and walks to his apartment. "Hmm, maybe I should get her a gift?"
Xiao walks by a few stores waiting for something to catch his eye. As he walks by The Jewelry Store something catches his eye. "Excuse me?"
"Sorry, sir we are about to close!"
"Oh, I was just wondering how much this necklace will be?"
"50,000 mora, but if you want something engraved on it, 100,000 mora."
"I will take it enraved. I want it to say ________."
"Ok sir, you can pick it up tomorrow is that everything?"
Xiao looks at the jewelry display. And notices something special. "A-And I want that."
He points to the item and the girl nods her head. "Your total is 300,000 mora."
Xiao hands the girl 2 bags of mora. He takes the small box from the girl and walks to his apartment.

Writers Note:
Hey guys! Soooooo how did you like this chapter? Poor Xiao and Lumine, Zhongli has to ruin everything. But at the same time poor Zhongli's old man mind. I really enjoyed this chapter. I tried to not make it a repeat of the last chapter with the hospital stuff and all. I don't have much else to say.  Soooooooo. XOXO-Lily

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