Chapter 6: I'm Sorry.

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"I love you."

Lumine turns to the side to avoid eye contact with Xiao. "Did he just say 'I love you.' to me?!"
Her heart was thumping she didn't know how to feel. She wasn't sure if she liked him as a friend or more. Her brain was swirling, she had promised her brother to never love anyone but him. But here she was questioning whether or not to break this promise. She would have run away if her ankle wasn't broken, plus she was comfortable where she was so she stuck to avoiding eye contact. "Qiqi, Zhongli! over here this is where Lumine is!"
Paimon, Qiqi, and Zhongli run over to the tree Lumine and Xiao were laying under. Qiqi walks to Lumine and checks her ankle. "Qiqi thinks Lumine's ankle is broken."
"Lumine needs medicine #3."
Zhongli walks over and uses the medicine on Lumine. "Zhongli do we have an extra room at the Wangshu Inn? For Lumine, it would be dangerous for her to sleep outside."
Zhongli thinks for a moment. "I believe we do. Let's get her over there."
"Paimon and I can get her there."
Zhongli looks and Xiao and nods.
"Well, then Qiqi and I will be leaving. Take care, Miss. Lumine."
Qiqi and Zhongli walk away, and Xiao gets up to take Lumine to the Wangshu Inn. He picks her like the first time they met and walks her all the way to the Wangshu Inn.

"W-We are here."
He enters Lumine's room with her still in his arms. He looks down at Lumine after not getting a response. "She's asleep." He lays Lumine in her bed and starts unpacking her stuff. "Xiao? Where am I?"
"hmm? Oh, this is your room at the Wangshu Inn."
Lumine sits herself up and looks and Xiao. He notices this and sits down on the bed with her. "I-I'm sorry for what I said."
"I should have waited."
Lumine feels her salty tears drip down her face. "Don't apologize for it's not your fault."
Xiao looks at Lumine shocked. Lumine moves her position so she's sitting right in front of Xiao. She cups his face in her hands, she tries to hide her nervousness with a smile but it's not doing much. She closes her eyes leans forward and gently presses her lips on his. It was a gentle yet passionate kiss. Lumine leans back and looks down embarrassed. Xiao reaches forward and ruffles her hair, trying hard to not be embarrassed. "P-Paimon will be back s-soon with f-food."
Xiao gets up and walks to the door. "D-Do you want to stay for d-dinner?"
Xiao turns to face Lumine and nods his head. Lumine's face lights up and she runs to hug Xiao.
She wraps her arms around his neck and looks up at him. "What do you want me to make you?"
"Can you make Almond Tofu?"
Lumine nods her head and runs to the kitchen. She gets out all of her ingredients and starts cooking. Xiao walks over and sits at the counter burying his face in his arms trying to cover up how flustered he is. "I'm back with some Grilled Fish!"
Paimon walks in with some food and stares at Xiao. "What is he doing here?!"
"Oh! Paimon he's staying for dinner! Don't worry I'm making him something now!"
Lumine puts the Almond Tofu on a plate and deliverers it to Xiao. She places the plate down and whispers in Xiao's ear "Piamon is a little Jealous of you try and get on her good side."
Xiao nods and starts eating his food. Lumine sits down next to Xiao and Paimon. "Nice choice in food, Paimon."
Paimon eats her food ignoring Xiao. "What are you eating?"
"Oh! Almond Tofu. It's my favorite."
Paimon looks curiously at Xiao. "You wanna try some?"
Paimon's eyes widen and she gets excited. "Wait, your not trying to poison Paimon right?"
Xiao looks at her shocked. "Why would I do that!?"
Paimon floats over to Xiao and tries some Almond Tofu. Her face lights up and her eyes sparkle like she was in a Disney movie. "Uhh, do you like it?"
Paimon nods her head about a hundred times. "Okay Paimon approves of Xiao!"
Xiao notices Lumine's face light up from this response. He almost smiled seeing this. Now with Paimon's approval, Lumine could love Xiao without fear.

Writers Note: 
Hey guys! How did you like this chapter? All it took was some almond tofu and Piamon approves of Xiao! I don't have much to say about this chapter but while I was writing this I was dying. The exact written form of what I was thinking when writing this: "AGHABHSBAUSBDABSIAK ASBCHASBDIADBABDAHSDVIA CAVHABDFWhbDHJAVSDJASBJSVB"
Anyways that's all for today! XOXO-Lily 

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