Chapter 8: See You Soon!

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Xiao turns around. "Thanks for staying with me last night."
Lumine smiles, "It was nothing."
"What do you want for breakfast?"
Xiao shrugs unsure of what he wants. Lumine walks into the kitchen and decides to make pancakes. "Xiao, can you let Piamon know I'm over at your apartment?"
Xiao exits the apartment to get Paimon. Gosh, he was in love. He would do anything for her, he was constantly dazed by her beauty. But her eyes were purer than gold. "Paimon?"
"Lumine wants you to come to my apartment."
"Why is she at your apartment?"
Xiao ignores this question and walks back to his apartment with Paimon. "Lumine I'm back."
"Just in time, the pancakes are finished!"
Lumine place the three plates with pancakes on them down. "Piamon has a question, what are you doing here? Wait did you two do it!?!?"
Lumine and Xiao turn bright red. "No! Gosh no! We have no each other for like 3 months in total!"
"Hey, Lumine, isn't the WindBloom Festival tomorrow?"
"Oh! It is we are going to have to leave today if we want to make it on time!"
Xiao seems bothered that Lumine is going back to Mondstadt, but I doubt he would want to come too. "Sorry, Xiao I will be back for the Lantern Rite Festival though!"
"It's fine."
Lumine and Piamon quickly finish their food and leave Xiao's apartment so they can get ready to go. 

"Maybe I should ask someone for help on what to get her?"
Xiao leaves his apartment and goes to the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. "Oh hello there Xiao"
"Zhongli, can I ask you something?"
Zhongli nods. "You know Lumine, what do you think I should get her as a gift for the WindBloom Festival?"
Zhongli thinks for a moment. "Hmm, try choosing something that reminds you of her, or her favorite item."
Xiao thinks, he does not know. His face lights up, and he runs off. "Thanks, Zhongli!"
Zhongli chuckles, he's hopelessly in love.

Lumine runs over to Xiao. "I wanted to say goodbye before I leave."
Lumine looks at the bad Xiao was holding. "What's in the bag?"
Xiao turns red. "Oh umm, it's nothing!"
Lumine inspects Xiao's face. "Ehh whatever."
She hugs Xiao. "See you at the Lantern Rite Festival!"
Xiao kisses Lumine on the cheek, and she blushes. "Stay safe, call my name if you need me, no matter what the reason is."
Lumine nods and runs off, Piamon joins her after making a face. "Blah, you too are gross!"
Xiao stares at Lumine as she runs of all smiley. "So what did you get Miss Lumine?"
Xiao turns around to see Zhongli. "Oh here." 
Xiao takes an item out of the bag. "She will love it!"
"You think so? I hope she does."

"Lumine, Piamon!"
Lumine and Piamon turn to see Venti. "Hi, Venti!"
"How was Liyue?"
"How is Morax- I mean Zhongli! Heh, you already know don't you?"
Lumine nods. "Did you meet my friends Xiao, Qiqi, or Ganyu?"
"Oh, she met Xiao alright!"
Lumine turns red. "Piamon!"
"Mwa-mwa-mwa I love you Lumine! Mwa-mwa-mwa!"
Venti raises an eyebrow. "Ahh, so Xiao has a thing for Lumine."
  "Y-Yeah I guess-"
"Do you like him back?"
Lumine turns even redder. "Uhm, I-I, Y-yes."
Venti's face lights up. "Oooooooooooh~"
Lumine ignores him and continues walking. "Wait! Lumine you should know something Albedo is gonna-"
Lumine turns to see Albedo running towards her. "Albedo! Hi!"
Albedo hugs Lumine. "Welcome back!"
"Oh! I have some research I want to show you!"
Albedo grabs Lumines hand and runs to the crafting bench. He shows her a bunch of research from, secret messages, to new potions. 

Writers Note:
Hey guys! Sorry, it took so long for this chapter to come out! But it's a good one! at least I think so. Sorry for the out-of-character Albedo I just have an idea and it won't work otherwise sorry! Anyways what are your thoughts on this chapter? I think it was good, I had a lot of fun writing it! 
Anyways that's all! XOXO-Lily

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