Chapter 16: Xiao's Day Off

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"That's a lot of blood for fighting a few Hilichurls..."
Xiao looks away from Lumine embarrassed. "I need to shower I'll be back!"
Xiao runs of the bathroom leaving Lumine confused and worried about him. But he isn't in the bathroom for long before Lumine hears a thump. "Xiao? Are you alright?"
Lumine runs to the bathroom door and knocks gently. "Xiao?"
"I'm coming in."
Lumine enters the room to Xiao on the floor in a pool of blood. She feels sick but she knows he's not dead yet. She feels tears fill up in her eyes. Unable to see Xiao like this she feels dizzy. "X-X-Xiao....Are you a-alive..."

"Xiao! Calm down!"
The young man quickly sits up, breathing heavily, his hands shaking. He takes notice of his surroundings he is at home, in his own bed, not in a hospital. He looks around with confusion. "Xiao can you hear me?"
He looks at Lumine who is on the verge of tears. "Xiao, repeat after me. Three, two, one, one, two three."
"Three, two, one, one, two, three..."
Lumines eyes light up with happiness and she feels her tears leave her eyes. "Oh Xiao, you're alright!"
Lumine wraps her arms around him tightly. "When I saw you on the bathroom floor I thought I might be sick! But you're alright!"
"Let me get Zhongli to make you a tea! Oh and get Qiqi to make sure you're ok for sure! Oh, and-and-"
"Shushhh, Lumine all I want is for you to stop worrying."
"Okay...I'm gonna make breakfast."
Xiao grabs Lumines hands just as she gets up to leave. "Lumine, I can make breakfast."
He gets up out of bed and starts to walk to the kitchen but he doesn't get far before he starts to feel dizzy. Lumine notices him stumbling around and rushes to his side quickly. "Xiao, please stay in bed for me."
He notices the worry in her eyes and decides it's the least he can do after making her worry for him a lot more than necessary. He walks back a sits in bed, and Lumine comes not too long after with soup. Lumine hands a bowl to Xiao and sits down with her own bowl next to him. They finish their soup quickly in silence. Lumine feels something rest on her shoulder. "Xiao?"
She looks over and sees Xiao has fallen asleep on her shoulder. She smiles and lays Xiaos head on her lap. She gently strokes Xiao's hair being careful not to wake him.
"Xiao I know you can't hear me but now more than ever I feel a real connection to you."
Little did Lumine know Xiao could hear every last word she had said. "It's time he thought to himself."

Hey guys! So what did you think of this chapter? it was kinda rushed and it's definitely not my best work but I wanted to get something out for you guys! I'm gonna try and post a chapter every weekend. I wish I could say more but I have to go right now so I will see you guys in the next chapter! Btw check my conversation for an Aether x Amber book teaser! XOXO-Lillie

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