Thank you note from the author (me)

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Hey guys! It's me I just wanted to write a thank-you note before the next chapter because I found out recently people actually read what I write. Now I'm not getting any feedback on whether or not you like what I write but I mean people are reading it sooooooo I guess I'm doing something right. SO thank you for reading my fanfic I will continue to write it since I think you guys like it? Idk. I mean it's either you like it or your a fellow Xiao simp. if you were wondering where is my Genshin impact simp list:
1: Xiao
2: Albedo
3: Kuzuha
4: Zhongli
6: Ganyu/Cocogoat
7: Yanfei (ngl im a lot like her)

ngl there is way more I just forgot the order and shit like that.

Hmmm, I might do a q&a if your are interested let me know in the comments. 

Anyways back to the main story! XOXO-Lily
 Ps good luck wishing for Ayaka who is coming out soonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

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