Chapter 9: Mine

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"Hey, Albedo? What's going on? You have been dragging us around everywhere showing us your research."
"Uh uh!"
Albedo turns red, and he starts fidgeting. "Umm, L-Lumine, w-will you be m-my Windbloom d-date?"
Lumine turns red and stands there awkwardly. "I-I'm flattered but-"
Lumine turns to see someone running towards her. "X-Xiao!?"
Xiao runs and picks up Lumine by the waist and spins her around. "W-What are you doing here?!"
Xiao puts her down and gives a shy smile. "I wanted to surprise you for the Windbloom festival."
Lumine smiles and hugs him. "Thank you, Xiao!"
Lumine lets go of Xiao and looks back at Albedo. Xiao wraps his arms around Lumine's neck and rests his face on her shoulder. Lumine continues, "As I was saying, I am sorry but I don't like you back. I really am sorry!"
Albedo's eyes meet Xiao's, Xiao has a harsh glare in his eyes. Albedo's eyes jump from disappointment to terror. "I-Uh-Umm-Its fine!"
"I-I should go now! Bye!"
Albedo runs away in fear. Lumine looks down sadly. "I-I didn't make him hate me right?"
Xiao walks in front of Lumine and kneels down to look her in the eyes. "Trust me it's nothing you did. He was just upset, he was hoping to walk away with you as his d-date"
Xiao stutters on the word date. He wasn't keen on the idea of other guys asking her out. It wasn't up to him, but he would do anything to keep Lumine to himself. He presses his lips against hers gently. "Trust me."
Paimon turns red and turns around. "What kind of C-Drama is this!?!?"
"Ahhh! Sorry, Paimon!"
Lumine looks back up embarrassed, and Xiao stands up. Paimon turns back around and makes a gagging motion. "You two need to warn me before you do gross stuff like that!"
"Paimon I will make it up to you! Let's go get some food."
Lumine starts walking to Good Hunter and Paimon floats beside her. Xiao joins them and reaches for Lumine's hand. Lumine was shocked by this gesture but she reached and held his hand back.

After finishing their meal they walk around Mondstadt looking for something to do. "Lumine, Xiao, Paimon!"
The three of them turn to see Venti. "Hi, how are you guys?"
"Piamon has been better! Xiao and Lumine have been- Oww!"
Lumine elbowed Paimon but not before Venti understood what had happened. "Anyways, Lumine there are a few mini-games if you head that way, I will join in a bit, I just want to catch up with my friend, Xiao, here."
Lumine nods and heads off to play some mini-games. "Xiao~"
Xiao rolls his eyes. "So whats between you and Lumine~"
Xiao turns red. "O-Oh s-shes just an f-friend? Y-Yeah she's a friend."
"Hmm? Whatever you say~"
"Anyways I'm doing "Love Poem" lessons. If you want to write one for Lumine-"
"Wait, What!?"
"Well ok then! Let's start!"

"Hi, Xiao!"
"What did you and Venti talk about?"
Xiao unfolds a piece of paper. "I-Uh-Can I read you something I wrote for you?"
Lumine's face turns shocked. "Oh! I-Uh-Yes! Yes, you can!"
"Your eyes that sparkle like the sun.
Make me know you're the one.
Now this poem would be a bore.
If there wasn't something more.
So as the colors bend, can I ask you...
Will you be my Girlfriend?"
Lumine's jaw drops. "I-Xiao-How did you-I mean."
Lumine takes a deep breath. "I have heard it all. Your mine now, and I'm yours!"
Xiao watches as a bright smile appears on her face. Lumine runs up and hugs Xiao. "Lumine."
Lumine looks up at Xiao. "I love you."
"Piamon is grossed out but at the same time good for you two."
"Oh-uh sorry Paimon!"
"Ehh! Paimon is just happy for you!"
"Now Paimon is going to go eat you two can have fun on your own for now!"
The two lovers watch as the little fairy floats away to Good Hunter. Lumine looks Xiao in the eyes with a big smile on her face. She grabs his hands and goes on her toes and leans close to Xiao. She presses her lips against his with her eyes closed. She's mine now there is no need to worry. Right? He wasn't sure but all he knew was that she was safe in his arms.

Writers Note:
Hey guys! Sorry, it's been taking some time to post chapter 1 or 2 more weeks then I will be back to posting a new chapter every day! Oh, how are your wishes for Ayaka going? I'm gonna completely miss her banner :C Since I am away from home and unable to play mobile Genshin I will completely miss her banner. It's sad but I'm fine with it! I want Gorou is that his name? He is a geo bow user quite interesting if you ask me. Anyways that's all! XOXO-Lily

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