Chapter 10: Stupid Fatui

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"Xiao do you have to head back now?"
"Lumine, I have work to do a Liyue, and you have work to do in Mondstadt."
"I-I know but why d-do you have to leave early?"
"Lumine, if you need me just call my name."
Xiao reaches into his pocket and pulls out a bag. "I forgot to give this to you yesterday. It's my Windbloom gift to you."
He hands the bag to Lumine and she opens it up. She pulls out of the bag, an Anemo Crystal Fly Hairpin. "Oh my-Xiao, It's beautiful!"
Xiao takes it from her hand and puts it in her hair. "Don't worry I will see you soon."
He gently kisses her lips and walks off. "Goodbye, Lumine. I will see you in 3 days."

Three days have passed since Xiao had left for Liyue. Lumine had already started walking for Liyue's Lantern Rite Festival. She was almost there when she heard a familiar voice. "Hey, Girlie!"
Lumine turns around and looks at childe. "Oh hey Childe."
"You seem a little disappointed to see me, Girlie."
Lumine shakes her head. "Im not."
The truth is, she was hoping to avoid him. You see Childe has made it very clear that he likes her, he acts like he owns her which is not the case. No one owns her, or no one did own her, Xiao doesn't own her but she would be fine if he did. "Well then, Girlie, you wouldn't mind if I did this."
Childe steps forward and pins Lumine against a tree. He puts one arm above her head and he uses the other to grab her waist. "C-Childe"
Childe smirks and leans towards Lumine with his eyes closed. He kisses her on the lips, slightly aggressively. Lumine pushes Childe away so he couldn't kiss her. "Childe stop."
"Why Lumine?"
Lumine jumps back at a loud sound and looks at the jade spear in front of her. She watches as a green figure runs towards her and picks her up. 

"Xiao!"Lumine looks up at Xiao who was holding her in his arms, just like when they first met

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Lumine looks up at Xiao who was holding her in his arms, just like when they first met. Xiao looks down at Lumine's surprised face and smiles. Xiao looks back up at Childe and glares. "You asked why right? Well its because she has a boyfriend."
"Oh who? Couldn't be you. Oh, maybe it's me? Hmm im lost who is her boyfriend?"
Xiao puts Lumine down and draws his spear. "You wanna say that again?"
You can hear the anger in his voice rising. "Who is her boyfriend?~"
Xiao puts on his mask, and jumps into the air, and plunges down. Childe draws his bow and dodges Xiao's attack. Xiao dashes towards Childe in an attempt to pierce him with his spear. "So your pretty fast Xiao~"
"But not fast enough at stealing Lumine's heart~"
Xiao jumps into the air and is about to plunge down when he notices Childe has his bow aimed at Lumine who was fighting off Fatui. "Lumine!"
Xiao dashes infront of Lumine just as Childe releases the arrow. "Aghh!"
Lumine frantically turns around hearing Xiao's scream. "Xiao!?"
Lumine looks petrified at Xiao. He has an arrow in his torso and was coughing up blood. Lumine has tears running down her face. Xiao drops to his knees, with blood all over himself. Lumine draws her sword and charges at Childe. "What kind of a monster are you!?!?"
She slashes at him hitting his left arm. "If you had any chance at being with me you just ruined it!"
She screams at him through her tears. Lumine kicks Childe and knocks him into a tree. She throws her sword right next to his neck lodging it into the tree. She walks up to Childe and rips her sword from the tree and puts it next to his next. "G-Girlie."
Lumine looks at Childe's petrified eyes. She squints tightens her grip on the sword and prepares to slash his neck. "Lumine! Don't do it!"
Lumine drops her sword and turns around. She looks at Xiao's weak body. "I don't want you to be like me!"
Lumine picks up her sword and turns back to Childe. She flips the sword in her hand so she is holding the blade. She hits him on the head with the handle knocking him out. "Stupid Fatui." 
She says looking down on Childe's bloody body.

Writers Note: 
Hey guys! Sorry its been taking long for chapters to come out now. I should be back to my normal posting time in about 2 weeks! How did you like this chapter? I hope you liked it. It was very fun to write! The drama and the detail was awesome! Probably my favorite part of the chapter. Anyways thats everything! XOXO-Lily

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