Quick apology from the author!

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Heys it's me. The person who started writing this fanfic then just disappeared for a month or so. I really wanted to apologize for the sudden disappearance. I wish I had a solid explanation but I don't. I went away for 4 weeks and when I came back I didn't have any story ideas. Then I just forgot all about my fanfic. I'm really sorry to all of the people who loved my fanfic so dearly then I just stopped updating it. I do have some good news though! Ok, so I have decided I'm going to make this fanfic into a series. That way when I finish this book of the series I can start another fanfic so I have some time to think of a new plot! Now, this idea is still in the works so it might not end up happening but I will try my best to make this happen if you are interested in this concept! Some more good news a new chapter is in the works for this fanfic! And a new Xinyan x Barbara fanfic is in the works! Now, this fanfic is not something you guys have requested but it has been requested by my best friend and I had been waiting for someone to request this fanfic idea so I'm filled with inspiration for this new fanfic! Anyways I hope I didn't lose any of my viewers that were with me from the start I cant wait to see your comments on this and the upcoming chapter! Thank you to all of the new people who have started reading my fanfic and thank you to all the people who have been with me since the start! As always XOXO- Lily

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