"That sounds nice." I comment, and genuinely mean it. I really like the beach, it's one of the few places where I feel calm. So exploring the little town actually peaks my interest.

I don't realize that we are pulling into the parking lot because of all my attention being focused on Harry. He parks the car, and we both get out.

We walk close to each other, brushing our shoulders together with every step we take. It's weird that this time around coming back here, we aren't necessarily fighting all the time anymore. This time, instead of it being forced, we are coming here mutually.

Harry holds the door open for me, triggering the bell. I walk in whispering a faint thanks as he follows behind me. We walk up to the hostess stand where a girl around our age with fiery red hair stands with a smile.

"Hi! Welcome to Betty's." She greets us with the classic customer service smile. "Will it just be the two of you today?"

"Yes ma'am." Harry responds in a polite manner.

"Awesome. If you follow me, I will get you seated." She turns around and starts walking, with Harry and I following close behind her.

I'm relieved that she isn't giving Harry sex eyes. The way girls always do that makes my fucking blood boil. It ticks me off how much attraction he gets from really pretty girls.

Most of the girls that he's slept with are way prettier than me. They have perfect bodies, a perfect smile, perfect hair, and let's not forget about the tits. I literally have no boobs whatsoever, and all the girls he's slept with that I'm aware of have big boobs.

I still don't understand why he is putting his energy into me when he can have them. I'm nothing special whatsoever. In my eyes, I'm not pretty. I feel like I'm really ugly both inside and out.

I'm pleased when I notice that the hostess leads us to a booth that is in the corner of the diner, a little bit hidden away from the main part where all the cluster of booths and tables are at.

"Here you guys are." The hostess sets the top menus down, stepping out of the way so that Harry and I can take our seats. "Your server will be with you shortly. Enjoy your meal."

I pick up the menu, and look over all the food options even though I already know what I want. When I go out to eat, I tend not to switch up my usual meal that often. When I find something I one hundred percent enjoy, I stick with it. I mean, why risk getting something else and not liking it, when I can just order something I know I'll get my money's worth out of?

"Make sure when the server comes to get our drink order that you actually pay attention and tell them." I make a sly comment referring back to the first time we came here when he was high.

Harry dramatically gasps, placing his hand over his chest. "Arlo, I was high, gotta cut me some slack."

"I don't know if I can, Harry. You really were a mess that day." I poke fun at him. Harry lightly kicks my leg under the table, before capturing it between both of his own, and holding it hostage.

"Hello, my name's Fran what can I-" Fran cuts herself off as she looks up at us for the first time. I recognized her from the first time we were here. "Well, if it isn't the two generous tippers."

Harry, and I both glance at each other with surprise by the fact that she remembers us. "You recognize us?" Harry asks the question that is on my mind as well.

"How could I not recognize you two. You tipped me a hundred dollars. I nearly broke down crying in the back." She chuckles. "Plus, I'm pretty sure you sir," she points to Harry, "if I remember correctly, was not sober."

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