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B L U R B.

She screamed in pain, clutching hard at her best friend's hand. She slipped into labor after receiving the news of the plane crash, which unfortunately her husband is on. Her best friend Khadija, along with her husband are presently rushing her to the hospital.

Hafash Muhammad Sanda has never for once given birth for the past six years of marriage with her husband Umar. They've gone to countless hospitals, just so her dreams of becoming a mother may be fulfilled. She was assured that she isn't for a fact infertile, it's just that it's not yet time for her to become a mother.

Her heart broke each time they say the same thing, which broke her more and more, to the extent that she almost lost it. But having a supportive, loving, and caring husband like Umar, she always gets back on her feet.

Luckily after years of waiting, she got pregnant. From the day the doctor announced her pregnancy to date, the couple couldn't be more thankful towards Allah. Umar and his whole family that once treated her like crap, due to how long she took in providing them a grandchild, also began to treat her like an egg.

And now, she's presently in labor but doesn't have her husband by her side. How awful could the day get? Three days back, Umar had been offered a business proposal that would archive him great success, but since his wife is soon to give birth, he declined. He confronted his wife about it, and Hafsah being as persistent as she is, cajoled him into going which left no choice but go. Her best friend, along with her husband (Kamal) offered to look after her at their house since her Family house is located at Kano, while they are at Kaduna.

They had just arrived at the hospital, and without wasting any more time, she is being taken to the labor room. Hafsah held onto Khadija's hand, as she is strolled to the labor room. "P-please Khadija, take care of my child," she said, in between heavy breaths.

Hafsah felt strange, it felt though as if she isn't going to make it out alive. It broke Khadija's heart to hear those words slip from her mouth. She stuttered in tears, "N-no Hafsah, Nothing's going to happen to you. Please don't say that"

Just as they got to the door, their enfolded hands is broken apart. "Take care of my baby Khadija" is the last thing she semi-yelled to Khadija's hearing before the door is being shot.


Khadija walked back and forth, with her husband consoling her that everything is going to be aright, but it seemed she isn't ready to listen. She is freaking out from the inside, losing her best friend is the last thing she wants.

She sighed, mumbling some Dua's for Hafsah.

They both snapped their attention back to the door that was been burst open. In hesitation, they rushed to the doctor in hope that everything went alright. The nurse that stood next to the doctor, had the baby in her arms.

"Are you the patient's family?"

Khadija nodded in response, with Kamal slipping his hand on her waist, pulling her a bit into him. He senses that whatever that is going to be coming out from the doctor's mouth, is not something likable.

"I'm sorry" Just as those words stole their way out of the doctor's lips, she sucked in a harsh breath. No! Let it not be what she has in mind.

"We tried our be--" He is cut off by Khadija's scream, making him step back a bit.

Kamal pulled his wife into his chest. "It's okay Mami, she's in a better place" He mumbled, into her ears. She cleaned hard on his white T-shirt, crying even more.

The doctor offered for them to have the baby, so Khadijah broke away from her husband's hold. Gathering leftover sanity, she wiped her tears off and motioned to have the baby. The nurse placed the baby on her arms, before she left, trailing behind the doctor.

The baby without a doubt looked like her mother. Though she had a bit of Umar's look, she is a complete carbon copy of her mother. A tear slipped down, falling on the baby's face.

"Please Khadija," Kamal said, not wanting his wife to shed more tears. He knew how close she is to Hafsah. Their bond was inseparable. If not being told, you'd never think that they aren't sisters.

The baby had her eyes closed. She looked so peaceful and calm. Khadija ran her hands through the baby's face, as a sad yet weak smile found its way to her lips. Poor child, she lost both of her parents in one day, she thought.

The next few minutes, nothing was said by the Duos. Kamal kept his gaze plastered on his wife and the baby. It is indeed a sight to behold. He chuckled when the baby yawned.

How cute...

Kamal folded his arms to his chest, as he watched between them. "So, what should we name her?" He said, breaking the silence.

Khadija thought for a moment, with her eyes still stuck on the baby, then mumbled "Hope"
not even sure if he heard her or not.

He nodded in agreement, knowing fully what his wife meant. "Nadia"

A E S T H E T I C S.


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So like play like play wattpad decided to delete the previous author's note and one of the chpt of this book😭 aswear this app seff😒

Anyways yay! I'm back again to those checking this out and has always been tagging along from the very start, thank you so very much, your girl appreciates it🥺❤️ it means a lot, y'all have my hearts Allah❤️❤️

As I'd like to think, I plan to make this a short and less dramatic book but menhh! Let's just see what the future beholds😂💔 I make no promises Shaa and update may be slow but bear with me abeg.

Copyright! Yes that, please let's respect ourselves and maintain law and order, lol.

So enough with the surutu, watcha all think about the blurb? Where do you think this is heading to?🌚 remember it's just the beginning.

Ni dai nayi nan, till we meet in chpt one.

Oh and credit goes to Mardiyya, za babe made the new cover and aesthetics ❤️❤️


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