Chapter 13: Memories

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Location: U.S.S. Dallas, western Caribbean 

Date: December 31, 2064

Time: 1935 hour

Two ships were sailing through a small group of islands, seemingly empty, yet sailing in formation, their destination unknown.  The seas were calm, and the sun was beginning to set, painting a beautiful image for the occupants of the two ships.  On the bridge of the Dallas, two people were eating a slightly late supper, sitting side-by-side and staring at the setting sun and the colors that were dancing in the sky.  Ayanami had felt lonely on board her ship while they were passing through the canal about fifty kilometers behind them, as she needed to be with her ship for the transit from the Pacific to the Atlantic.  Once they were out of the canal zone, however, she took her chance and jumped onto his ship, feeling relieved to finally be with the one person that gave her joy beyond her dreams.

She was eating a piece of chicken, greasy and fatty, but tasty all the same.  When food was served, it took all of her self restraint to not say "thank you for the food," as it was not a tradition in the Eagle Union.  Even though Eric did tell her that she could say it, since he was not bound to any of the factions, his ship was still Eagle Union territory, and she still respected that tradition, just as Eric had respected the tradition onboard her own ship, all those months ago.  She took another bite of her chicken, not yet having touched the rice and corn, her thoughts reliving her time both prior to her first Commander, and the time she spent with Eric, remembering her past, returning to her cherished memories.

Insert Opening Theme Here

Eric's POV

He was about to finish his food up, happy to spend some time with Ayanami, his mind completely blank of anything.  He was staring out to sea, watching the sun set, when he felt something tugging his sleeve.  He turned to look at Ayanami, the only one that could be pulling on his sleeve, and sure enough, her hand was indeed pulling away from his own arm.

Eric: What's up, Ayanami?  Want to sleep on my ship instead of your own?

She shook her head, her eyes closed and a smile forming on her face

Ayanami: That isn't the reason I touched your shoulder, but I will take you up on your offer.  The reason I touched your sleeve is because... I want to ask about your family.  I have never heard you talk about them before, so I don't know anything about your life before you came to this world.

Eric looked at her, his mind bringing up memories of the nightmares that he had during that time.

Flashback. . .

???: Boy!!!  Get out of the way!!!  She needs to be punished!!!

Eric (younger): No!  I will not allow you to harm my little sister!  She did nothing to deserve your wrath!

???: She spilled my coffee!  That is enough for her to get the belt!

Eric (younger): No, dad!  My little sister is not going to be punished for something so small!  Not again!

???2: Son, get away from him!  He won't listen to reason!

??? (dad): Get out of my way, woman!

A loud slap could be heard, followed by a cry of pain.

Eric (younger): Mom!

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