Chapter 9: The Meeting

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Nagato's POV

Location: Nagato's personal home, AL/CA Pacific Base

Date:  Saturday, July 5th, 2064

Time: 0930 hours

Nagato was seated by her dinning room table, reading the paper that had been left on the stoop earlier that morning.  Her eyes were focused on the front page, as the image of Ayanami and the Commander took up about a fifth to a quarter of the page.  "Commander Confesses his Love" was what the headline read, and Nagato couldn't help but wonder where the photo came from.  She knew that the one that had written the actual news was Aoba, but she did not know who could take photos of that caliber.  On the opposite end of the table, Mutsu was eating her breakfast, which included, but not limited to: rice, grilled fish, and miso soup.  As Nagato continued to read, she heard her sister speaking.

Mutsu: Sister Nagato, your food is getting cold.  What is in the paper that has captured your attention so much that you would forget your breakfast?

Nagato placed the paper down, the front page face up, so that anyone could see the headline easily.

Nagato: It looks like the Commander has found love, and it is with a Sakura girl.  If it were a girl from another faction, I would not concern myself.  However, even though this Commander sounds like he is nothing like the old Commander, I cannot allow him to do as he pleases.  At least, not without knowing more about him.

Mutsu looked at the front page, a smile spreading across her face.

Mutsu: He looks like a very nice person.  And if he is actually falling in love with her, then I see no problem.

Nagato thought the same thing when she first saw the headline, but she still shook her head.

Nagato: I want to believe that as well, Mutsu.  But with how our first Commander turned out, I can't take any chances this time around.  By the looks of it, the Commander fell in love with Ayanami, which means that we will need to talk to both of them as soon as possible.  When do we have free time to have them escorted here?

Mutsu looked over at a calendar that was hung up on a kitchen cabinet, noticing a few remaining free days for that month.

Mutsu: The next day that we have is Monday, actually.

Nagato nodded as she got up off her knees, and walked over the the calendar.  She grabbed a red marker and wrote "Meeting with Ayanami and Commander" in the 7th of July box.

Nagato: Get Atago and Takao to escort the two of them.  Ayanami may be willing to come, but we don't know what the Commander will do.  He may come peacefully, he may try to run.  I will not take any chances with him.

She could remember when the old Commander ran from Miss Enterprise, the day he was stripped of Command.  He had run right into the very room she was now in, and had placed a knife right to her neck.  Had he known that there were two ship girls living in this place as well as a personal bodyguard to the two battleships, he would have gotten away, at least for a little bit, with Nagato as his prisoner.  She shook her head, trying to forget that horrible memory.  She returned her attention to the paper, her thoughts drifting like leaves in an autumn wind.

Nagato: Commander, no matter what, I will protect my nation and my people, even from you if necessary.

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Eric's POV

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