Opening Theme

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Ikazuchi: I guess we really are creating an opening theme song for this book.

TheBigDing: Yup.  Ever since I found Wattpad, I kind of wanted to do a story much like an anime.

Inazuma: That makes sense.

TheBigDing: Alright, everyone.  Here we go!

[Music starts] We are falling towards the sea rapidly, then sailing across it at the same speed.

[0:06] We come across the Island chain of Azur Lane/Crimson Axis Base with the Title taking the center of the screen.  This is soon followed in rapid succession with the symbols of Eagle Union, Royal Navy, Ironblood, and Sakura Empire.

[0:14] We see Javelin walking to the Beach, smiling while waving to someone behind us.  We turn around to look-

[0:19] Only for our perspective to switch to Ayanami as she is sitting under a tree, on the hill that she and her friends visit on a daily basis.  She turns around to face us and gives a small smile and a nod.

[0:25] Perspective switches to watching Laffey sleeping on a bench in the central plaza, with some sort of bottle in her right hand.  She wakes up and, upon seeing us, holds her bottle out to us, like she is asking if we want a drink.

[0:29] We see Z23 sitting in the library, glasses on, as she is reading a book and taking notes.  She looks up at us and adjusts her glasses to hide her eyes by reflecting the sunlight.

[0:35] Eric is sitting in his office, doing paperwork, when he looks up to look out the window behind him

[0:40] In rapid succession, we see Nagato and Queen Elizabeth having tea together, Bismarck having a beer at a bar in the Ironblood portion of the base, Enterprise patrolling the surrounding waters, and ending with the face of a Siren (may use any advisor for this) rising from the ocean and a Siren fleet sailing, with dark clouds behind them.

[0:45] A fight between Azur Lane/Crimson Axis and the Sirens break out, with many ships of all classes and all factions fighting amongst each other, from the four starters working together to take out a small fleet, to Unicorn, Enterprise, Akagi, and Kaga trying to control the skies.  Meanwhile, Eric is commanding the fleet in his command room, working fast and hard, knowing that his girls needed more help.

[0:55] An explosion is seen in the middle of the Siren Fleet, and we soon see four figures behind the AL/CA combined fleet, all of them covered in darkness.  One is a battleship/battlecruiser, one heavy cruiser, and two aircraft carriers, one of which was flying some sort of animal.

[1:05] We are beside Eric, as our view is that of a camera as we see the returning fleet, with the starter squad and Unicorn in the front of the group, racing towards Eric.  They tackle him to the ground and give him a massive hug, just as the picture is snapped.

[1:17] We see many pictures adorning a wall, all of them having a girl from the fleet, having some sort of fun.  We move backwards to see Eric looking at all the pictures, before looking out the window of his office.  We start moving backwards again, through the window and away from the base, but still looking at it.

[1:30] The story title, surrounded by all the four main faction symbols appear as the background fades to black.  The title begins to glitch a little bit, before glitching into a completely black screen.

[Music ends]

Inazuma: I think that went well, Shikikan.  What do you think?

TheBigDing: I would agree, but this is my first try at something like this.  Everyone, what do you think?  Do you think I did a good job, or is there something that I could have done better? Please let me know in either case.

Ikazuchi: I see!  So this is that "leave a comment" thing I have seen.

TheBigDing: I believe so.  Anyway, before we say goodbye, a quick note.  Chapters one and two were finished product before writing on Wattpad, bar a few changes and/or additions, and chapter three is about a quarter to a third of the way done.  Once they are finished being put up on Wattpad, then it might take a month for a new chapter to come out.  I'm beginning to ramble.

Inazuma: Everyone, we will see you next time.

Everyone: Sayounara!

Azur Lane: First Command (Azur Lane x Male character)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz