Chapter 1: First Arrival.

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A/n: Quick note before we start, the story will mostly by 3rd person, but I will use names to show they will be the one whos thoughts you're seeing.  And now, into the story we go!

Eric's POV

Location: Central Pacific

Date: December xx, 2019

The sound of crashing waves filled his ears and the sea breeze was all that he could smell.  However, the rocking of the ship was making him very queasy.  His names was Eric Davidson of the United States Army and he was heading toward the latrine, also known as the head to the Navy.  Finally making it below deck, he managed to keep it in until he could find an unused stall.  Eric hated being onboard any ship, especially a leaky rundown museum of a ship like the SS Costa Rica Victory. She was a Victory-class transport ship back in World War two, but was converted into a passenger ship after the war.  However, following the after-action report from Commander Davis about the situation in Shanghai and the fight with a Chinese destroyer circulated around the U.S. armed forces, the situation in China was coming to a head.  All hands were to report for duty and be transported to the Asian command, first to Japan for a final briefing and planning, then to China.

Eric: *Thoughts* I guess that is what happens when someone tries to play God with a virus like this one.  You turn your own people into wax-like zombies.

Another bout of puking escaped the poor soldier's stomach, making him even more miserable.

Eric: *Thoughts* I'm a backwoodsman from Tennessee, not some crazy person wanting to be cooped up in a ship.

Suddenly, the ship began to rock even worse, even able to bang Eric into the walls of his little hell onboard the ship.

Eric: *Thoughts* What the hell?  It wasn't this bad earlier.  I have to make it topside to see what is happening.

Eric mustered enough strength to not puke anymore and hauled his sorry ass out of the latrine and towards the deck.  However, he found the exit to the deck battened down.

Eric: Hey sarge, what's going on?   I don't remember the seas being this rough a moment ago.

The sergeant, a man from Brooklyn, looked at him with a look of slight frustration.

Sergeant: A typhoon seems to have formed right over us.   We are closing off all the hatches to the outside to prevent anyone from being washed overboard.

That made sense, but at the same time, Eric couldn't help but feel like something, or someone, was missing.  He started doing a head count of the platoon and found that their weapons specialist, Samantha Fontinelli was missing.

Eric: Sarge, request permission to head onto the deck to search for Weapons Specialist Fontinelli?

Sergeant: Not just no, but HELL no Corporal!   You are too important for this upcoming mission.  Therefore, my answer remains no.

Eric needed to think fast, if he was going to save Samantha.

Eric: If I give you a good reason for going out there, will you allow me to go?

The sergeant pondered the Corporal's request for a moment.

Sergeant: If you can give me three good reasons for letting you go out there, I will accept it.

Knowing that he only had one shot at this, Eric drew his words out long enough to let him think things through, but short enough to not piss the sergeant off.

Eric: First, while it is true that I am important to this mission as the sniper, we have two other snipers ready to take my place if needs be.  However, we only have one weapons expert, and that is Fontinelli.  She is crucial to understanding any weapons used against us and how to counter them.  Second, we will mostly be fighting in cities, not woods and country sides.  Once again, Fontinelli was born and raised in a city, whereas I was born and lived most of my life in the back woods of Tennessee.  She can and will be able to move us from place to place in a city much faster than any of us, even you sergeant.

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