Chapter 5: Rolling Mist, Distant Thunder

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Location: Combined AL/CA Pacific Base

Date: May 20th, 2064

It was late at night when a loud BOOM was heard through the entire base.  This was accompanied by some lightning streaking through the sky, heading to the ground.  Inside the Eagle Union Destroyer dormitories, a lone destroyer hid under her bed, her gold eyes showing her fear and her blanket covering her blue hair.  Another BOOM was heard, slightly further away, making the little destroyer give a small eep.  She began shaking, wishing for nothing more than to have the storm leave.  She continued to stay there, until she finally fell asleep.


Location: SE of the Combined Base, 50 nautical miles out

A lone battleship was bobbing up and down gently in the choppy waves.  On her deck, two figures could be seen, one was a little girl, sitting on the railing, a smile on her face as she kicked her legs back and forth.  The other figure was a woman, looking down at two different sheets of paper in her hands.  Looking up, she took a glance at the first figure, seeing her little friend as happy as she can be, and wondering if her boat would be able to handle this weather.  Looking back down, she began rereading one of the letters.

???: Kind and caring, willing to follow him to the ends of the earth.  Bold words indeed, Z23.

She took a look at the other letter, then shook her head.

???: You always were a tease, Eugen.  But even you are thinking of making yourself known.

She looked back up, thinking about this new Commander she's been hearing so much about.

???: Commander Eric Davidson.  What type of man are you, that Z23 trusts you with her life and Eugen wishes to meet you properly?  Are you able to bring piece to this world and lead all of us to victory?

Waves continued to lap at the battleship hull as the camera pans to the little girl, as she begins to hum.

Insert Opening Theme Here

Eric's POV

Location: Combined AL/CA Pacific Base

Date: May 21st, 2064

Eric: What a mess.

Eric and Z23 were patrolling the port, assessing the damage that the storm the previous night had wrought.  That was a little difficult though, since they could barely see more than ten feet in front of their face, due to the fog and mist that had rolled in once the storm had left.  Thankfully, not a whole lot of damage was done to the port.  Branches littered the walkways, a few shingles had been blown off the roofs, and other types of debris was strewn all over the place.  The biggest danger, however were the felled trees, or the trees whos roots had been loosened so badly, they were almost ready to topple over.  Eric, attempting to see better, began squinting, trying to make even a few things clearer to his eyes.

Z23: Yes.  It is quite worrying to see so many trees already toppled over.  Thankfully, they only cause a hinderance at most.

Eric nodded.

Eric: That may be true, but the real threat are the trees that still stand that look like they will fall at any moment.  I'm worried that someone will be walking under one such tree when it comes crashing down.  I don't want to see anyone get hurt because of a stupid tree.

Z23 chuckled as they continued down to the docks.

Z23: You really do care for us that much, don't you?  No wonder Prinz Eugen is interested in you.

Azur Lane: First Command (Azur Lane x Male character)Where stories live. Discover now