Chapter 6: Pegasus

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Location: Secret laboratory, somewhere in the Pacific

Date: May 24th, 2064

A single tank stood in the center of a massive lab room, bubbles hiding the contents inside.  Around the tank, many scientists were working around different work tables, looking at multiple screens and monitors, and continuing to check the tank they surrounded.  Across the room, the reinforced steel door opened up and another scientist came walking in.  However, this scientist was no ordinary scientist.

Scientist 1: Sir, we are on schedule for your test to go through the final phase.  In fact, I would even say that we are ahead of schedule.

The head scientist looked at the speaker, seeing the excitement on the young man's face.

Head scientist: Thank you for informing me.  When do you think we can begin the final phase?

Scientist 1: We should be ready to initiate it in about a month or so.

The lead scientist nodded as he continued his walk towards the giant tank.  As he stood in front of the tank, his eyes seemed to light up with anticipation of the project finally being completed.

Head scientist: At long last, you will finally be awake, project Pegasus.

As he continued to stare at the tank, the bubbles, for a few seconds, cleared to reveal what was inside.  Inside was a child, male or female, one could not say.  But the the sleeping child knew not of what was going on outside, in the larger world, and the role the child would soon play.

Insert Opening Theme Here

Eric's POV

Location: AL/CA Pacific Base

Date: June 24th, 2064


The loud noise of something heavy hitting the desk, and the shockwave through the wood that accompanied it, jolted Eric out of his quick nap.  Looking up, he saw a girl, with long, flowing, white hair, cat ears, blue eyes, and wearing a maid uniform, complete with an apron and even the little headpiece.  She also had thigh highs, a bow in her hair, and having the angriest face he had seen in this world.

  She also had thigh highs, a bow in her hair, and having the angriest face he had seen in this world

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

???: Hey, what do you think your doing, sleeping on the job!?  Stupid Commander!

Eric looked up at the yelling cat girl, wondering what on earth he did wrong.

Eric: Can... *Yawn* I help you miss?

The girl gave a huff of frustration at his question.

???: You must be a really stupid Commander after all.  I bet you also don't remember my name, right?

Azur Lane: First Command (Azur Lane x Male character)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ