Chapter 31

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TW: biting, blood

George stirred constantly in his sleep until he found a comfortable spot to put his head in. He had no idea which part of the bed moved, his brain was too foggy and tired to think about it. He had been overheating all night and both sides of his pillow felt like sand from the Sahara during hot midday, and this strange object was pleasantly supplying him with constant cold temperatures. The once warm right side of his head neatly pressed against skin-

Wait, skin?

His eyes flew open and his hands found their way to a suitable surface he could push himself off of. A satisfied and to him extremely annoying grin on Dream's face caused irritation to bloom in his chest. He wanted to slap him very badly, but he held in the urge.

'Oh come on, we were just lying so comfy.' His voice was deep and goofy, yet playful. He looked just the same as he always had; pale, green mysterious eyes, and black clothes. The only thing different was his attitude and messed-up hair.

'I- I slept with you?' George said, still a little displaced from reality. Outside, a soft wind was creepily howling against the thick walls of the blond's room. Without noticing at the moment, he moved as far away from Dream on the bed as he could.

'Depends on how you mean that.' Dream began. 'No, we haven't had sex. Yes, we slept in the same bed. At least, you slept, I just watched you.' George rolled his eyes before releasing his urge and slapping him across his face. Dream had no reaction and was completely motionless, not even a little bit surprised. The idea of the blond watching him sleeping weirded him out.

'I predicted that one.'

'Do you want me to do it again that badly?' The man smirked, steadily tapping on the bedframe.

'Go on.' George didn't even hesitate before hitting his other cheek. His hand stung a little, probably more than Dream's face was.

'Done now?'

'No.' The brunet wasn't even close to being done. Everything in his body screamed hate for the boy and yet he couldn't bring to repeat the past two actions.

'I mean- We can like sleep sleep together if you want to get rid of your anger, but-'

Nevermind, he could. He slapped him again, this time much harder.

'Repeat that a few more times and I might start to like it.'

'God you're-' George inhaled deeply. 'impossible.' The blond shrugged, lifting himself out of bed. Confused, George stared at the tall man.

'Let's go on a walk.' The other frowned at him.


'I said, let's go on a walk,' he repeated. Puzzlement spread over George's face as he watched the other put on his black shoes. His legs broke contact with the silken sheets, and he straightened his wrinkled clothes.

'Why on earth would I go on a walk with you?'

'You can also stay here slapping me, but I think I'll be the only one enjoying that.'

'I might just stab you,' George threatened.

'I'm looking forward to it.' Dream winked at him, offering him a hand. Reluctantly, he took it, letting the man lead him downstairs. He didn't know his reasoning for listening, but within seconds he was outside in the cold with his shoes on and his coat tightly wrapped around his body.

Once outside, a cold hand enclosed his, but he was quick to escape it. He brushed it off against his coat, like a glass of water had spilled onto it.

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